The Couch

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I see this bloke plastered all over The Racing Post video section dressed in tracksuits, any idea what he's actually done in the sport to get so much publicity because it certainly isn't his tipping, in fact I can't remember the last horse he tipped that won - is there an ulterior motive?
I like him in a funny way. He writes in a daft runyonesque manner and to be fair, hes certainly at the meetings enough. Always seeing him at the London tracks

he is a satorial disaster though
To be honest, all these "tipsters" ,be it "names" or racing post "experts" are people I avoid.

I pick my horses on my own judgement and have no one else to blame when I lose ;)?.....every time
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Eddie Fremantle shambles around like a relic from a ramblers' outing gone wrong, too. If there's one thing they all seem to have in common, it's diabolical dress sense!
I like him in a funny way. He writes in a daft runyonesque manner and to be fair, hes certainly at the meetings enough. Always seeing him at the London tracks

he is a satorial disaster though

In lierary terms, Winstanley is about as far from the genius Runyon as it is possible to get. The comparison is a shocking misrepresentation and if it is not withdrawn forthwith, I will be compelled to tap you on the noggin with a Betsy, and place you inside a burlap bag.
That is a most perspicacious statement, Grassy, and one which I am supporting in all sincerity. I am looking through many scribblers and much to my disappointment I am seeing neither the verisimilitude or the twinkling originality of the great man. Indeed it is a matter of some sorrow to a lover such as myself of Runyon, O. Henry, and Thurber, that any such comparison is drawn, as much as it is lacking. Moreover and furthermore, I am happily seeing you three Downs and raising five Mottersheads to see such a coruscating talent irradiating racing journalism's mundanity.
I am looking through many scribblers and much to my disappointment I am seeing neither the verisimilitude or the twinkling originality of the great man.
Shouldn't there be a comma in there somewhere?
Mark Winstanley has never knowingly failed to tip an odds on shot on that basis that "I long ago came to the conclusion that all life is 6 to 5 against".
Watch the video the RP put up on the 22nd of December, within the first 30 seconds the blokes already coming out saying "takes the piss", what the hell is that all about? no need for that language.

Then you have to go and look at his Prospect Wells reasons, I understand that horse would have won but he's come out and said he's traded off the bet on the day? what, are we using the public and media power to drive prices for your own personal profit?
Walsy, I am assuming that it has been your sorrowful misfortune to be unacquainted with the least-punctuated stories of Damon Runyon? That is to say, a writer well versed in the argot of the street and the gangs thereof and their particular speech patterns, adapted for the purpose of a little literary licence and the sense of a unique vernacular or patois.
He is there primarily for entertainment these days. His knowledge of formbook is pretty poor espeically compare to Hugh Taylor,, Shoe, Cnningham etc. But his column is fairly funny, thats y i persume he still has a job.
Walsy, I am assuming that it has been your sorrowful misfortune to be unacquainted with the least-punctuated stories of Damon Runyon? That is to say, a writer well versed in the argot of the street and the gangs thereof and their particular speech patterns, adapted for the purpose of a little literary licence and the sense of a unique vernacular or patois.
No, strangely enough I have never read anything by Runyon, but you mentioned Thurber and it reminded me of the arguments that he used to have with his editor at The New Yorker about the use of commas.

I will explain patiently

Jeffrey Archer could write in the style of Shakespeare but it wouldnt be shakespeare would it?
He's plastered all over the RP again with his selections for Newbury, doesn't even know what race time his horse is running in.

Please, why are we subjected to this, I pay £20.00 a month, I expect better.

Before anyone says you're not forced to watch it, well to be quite honest I pay money and I can watch what I like and yeah you could say I'm being a pain in the arse.

To save you the pain of watching;

130 - All The Aces
His arguments for the selection are that the horse was excelent 2nd behind Prospect Wells and is a 115 rated flat horse.

One, this selection is only trying to reinforce some of his opinions on Prospect Wells, he clearly tipped that horse to the high heavens and is seaking some sort of self relief and buying time for himself. Also, flat ratings have no bearing on a jumps rating, clearly out of his depth here.

305 - Fingal Bay
His arguments for the selection is that the horse put his head down in battle last time out - cheers, what insightful viewing, maybe try doing your research so I can learn something about Fingal Bay.

340 - Empire Levant
His arguments for the selection is that the horse was 2nd to Rock On Ruby, again surprise surprise he tipped Rock on Ruby last time out and again trying to save himself some face.

Horse is apparently well handicapped, improving handicapper who won by 29 lengths - oh yeah, must mean he's well good right? 29 lengths, this isn't flat racing.

315 - Triple Charm
His arguments for the selection is that the horses dam has won on the all weather - oooooh!! we're really pushing out the boat on this one with a horse who won on the All Weather in 1995 to be the reason of your selection.

Also mentions Jeremy Noseda doesn't mess about on the All Weather, I wonder if his horses know that! and apparently he's found the right race for it, yes that lovely expansive all weather program we have!

The horse is a "3yo", he mentions there's plenty of time to recover and grow up - this is laughable
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