The Fhoroughbred Factory

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bruce_Savage
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Let's all imagine we're in a factory, it's been a long hardous year with the recesion with morale being low, hands being tired, faces looking glum and backs starting to ache. The boss calls the staff in for a mass meeting on Monday morning, he tells you that the company is investing in building the ultimate racehorse and each one of you will have a role in deciding it's components.

He gives you a list of catagories;


The emotional constitution, basic disposition, or character to defy all the odds.


The ability to string a field with raw hoof blistering, eye watering, deafining, in humane spectical of extreme acceleration.


The consitution to fight, dig deep to the end of your reserves and sustain a soul crushing, relentless, ferocious motivational display.


The characteristic of being blissfully ignorate and aggrevated by a loving touch, the inate characteristic that makes a horse a force to be reckoned with at the racecourse, unfazed by anything and soley motivated to running a race.


The characteristic of wanting to be loved, wanting to please the crowd and enjoying recpetions, a horse that will let you feed them polos and enjoy you taking pictures.


The quality that gives pleasure to the mind or senses and is associated with such properties as harmony of form or color, excellence of artistry, truthfulness, and originality, one that stands out from the crowd every time.



The structure of a horse, who would you put all these talents into? who would be the only horse that could carry all this baggage?
Bruce, I've got an answer for you, and yes, it is a polite and serious one! If you would like to read the book The Byerley Turk (sorry, forgotten the author's name, so please Google it), you will read an astounding true story of one of the main founding sires of the Thoroughbred breed. The stallion was set up to be a cavalry horse, and his training included galloping, unfazed, through live shot and cannon fire. He had to be prepared to die for his master, never bite, kick, show any signs of ill temper, and yet be incredibly fast and undertake long endurance treks.

On his way to become a founding sire in England, he undertook a 5,000 mile march which he accomplished in a few weeks. His nature was perfect, his conformation was perfect, his body bore special marks of what the Turks considered God's grace (what Arabs call 'the Prophet's thumbprints' - little depressions which must appear in auspicious places on the horse, and whorls of hair in certain places), he was fast, brave, kind, loving, and had the stamina of five horses.

I'd recommend the book to you as a good founding piece for your racing library and, yes, if all is to be believed, he was the perfect horse.
Zenyatta.... shes all of those in one horse surely??

(will have a think and come back with other answers (im assuming you want us to name different horses for each section??)
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Yes, she'd be a very good example of every attribute rolled into one - she sure gave the impression she loved being petted and the way she 'danced' for the crowds, which pleased them so much, showed an endearingly unique personality.
ok... using your definitions as the guide to get my horses (past and present)

Heart - The Tatling
Speed - Frankel
Stamina - Goldikova
Temper - Denman/Finians Rainbow
Love - Master Minded
Beauty - if we are going on things like colour - then my own horse - Petrovna !!

and all in one - Zenyatta !! :)
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