The Flying Dustman


At the Start
May 2, 2003
Dahn sarf
If any of the forum's august Irish members knows his connections, please, please tell them that I think he has one of the most amusing, witty names I've seen for some time. :D He's just grimly hung on for a third to a maiden at Cork in what looks like heartbreaking ground, bless him. I do love the feller, but I love his name almost more!
Brilliant - I like finding funny names too. We backed a horse called Becauseicouldntsee at the Festival, well, that and had the assistance of Nina. Came 2nd in a right battle .... firm fan now. :<3:
There are loads of funny ones, but I liked the play on 'The Flying Dutchman' in particular! What about CALLHERWHATULIKE (or however it's spelled), KIDS' INHERITANCE, and various references to losing your money or your mind?
Im soon going to be trying to get a name together for the 2yo we have, one suggestion that is being considered is;

A Mick in the Kickey
Peggy Mitchell in Eastenders came out with a great name for a racehorse a few months back - GERRADAMAPUB - I can just hear the roar as it charges up the hill at Cheltenham.
Oh, you just know that the race callers and people like Chaparse wouldn't understand it! Some twerp would be calling it Gerra-dammer-pub, instead of Peggy's Cockernee version of "get out of my pub"!