The going on Arc day

Just a pity that the Abbaye is run on a completely different piece of ground than everything else on Arc day :p
The sprint course is always a bit faster than the round course, and I wouldn't use the Abbaye to try and settle it. The opening handicap might offer a better insight, but that would require a true run race, as a slow time is just as likely to mislead you into an over-reaction, where as even a soft ground time would still leave the 'jury out'.
it's not going to be that different on the sprint track..I'd rather use the abbaye than a slow run handicap

I'll leave it with just can't help folk can you?
If you think the sprint track is are wrong..check out last years times for the Arc + Abbaye for instance

Abbaye = 56.7
RP standard for that race on GOOD = 56.6

Arc = 148.50
RP standard for that race on GOOD = 149 seconds

both last years times were in unison and both pointed to GOOD ground

but lets not let facts get in the way of good old generalisation

did you think there was a canopy over the sprint track?:rolleyes:
Abbaye = 56.7
RP standard for that race on GOOD = 56.6

If the RP standard time for the 5f course is 56.8, how come you expect top class sprinters to only beat it by 0.2s?
The opening handicap might offer a better insight, but that would require a true run race, as a slow time is just as likely to mislead you into an over-reaction, where as even a soft ground time would still leave the 'jury out'.

For what it's worth, the top-weight in the opening handicap is officially rated somewhere around the 97 mark.
i shouldn't really need to explain that as you guys are pretty good at crapping on posts that people have spent good time on...thats why my post has gone..can't be arsed with the general jumping on my posts..particularly when they are decent ones...which my initial posting was

if you don't know how that figure is arrived at then maybe when someone makes an effort to post helpful information you should not be so quick to jump in with a generalised nonsense post about the sprint track..based on no facts whatsover. have both pi$$ed me off with your posts...which are both incorrect
but seeing as it's you Gareth..and you are a good egg :cool:

the reason it only beats the standard by o.2 is because the average winner carries 9-11...not the 9-0 that the RP average is based on..the average winner is 115..not the 100 the RP standard is based on

so yes..the winner is 15lb faster...but is weighed down by 11lbs...which means the winner should only run 4lbs faster than the standard

Benbaum 119
Desert Lord 112
Avonbridge 114
Var 117
Patavellian 115.
..........................need more?

figure is OHR after winning this

if you don't think my assessment is any good..just ignore it

I'm used to having stuff pulled to bits on here..but on this have come unstuck ;)

I won't bother in's clear that only certain people's postings hold any value
Don't think anybody is deliberately trying to tear your arguments apart, EC. Some very valuable posts on this thread (not least yours). Will be very interesting to see how it pans out.
Stop acting like a five year old. If you put stuff up you should expect to have it questioned. You're quick enough to question stuff yourself.
shouldn't need to be questioned if it's factually correct Gareth

I see very few posts questioning Warblers postings..which can be in a similar vein

I don't mind answering anything...but if I feel someone is posting just to be an arse..I also get arsey

maybe it's me reading things wrongly but I seem to get no end of this...whereas others post complete bollix on here and not a dickie bird
Plan B

as last year was clearly run on Good going it seems fair to compare other race times with last year as a benchmark...although we do have the tailwind to contend with
I see very few posts questioning Warblers postings..which can be in a similar vein

People gave up trying to comprehend my postings a long time ago, in any case I've got control of the edit button these days. The historical record belongs to those who can re-write it in hindsight:D
Basically, you just want everyone to agree with you and tell you so, or else you get the hump.
no..not at are way out of order with that rubbish don't know me at all

I was just trying to help everyone...but I won't bother with this stuff ever again on here because it's clear that points scoring seems to rule here

very disappointing responses on this thread...sad for the board imo
See there you go again...

If you start a thread and no-one responds, you make a thing out of it.

If you start a thread and someone disagrees or just has the temerity to question you, you make a thing out of it.

What exactly do you expect on a forum? Deference and total agreement?
I posted hopefully so that everyone might like to know the going Gareth

but as per normal..when I seems that it is turned against will have to ask yourself

this thread was basically a clear explanation to anyone that wants to work at the going at any meeting

instead you have turned it into some kind of knock fest

there is no "right" about anything benefit to me whatsoever...just a thread to ascertain the going...for all of us

wtf is there to have issues about

i really do despair with all this knocking
Advise everyone to leave things are they are, EC1 always seems to think it is him against the world and rather than just argue/debate his theories he takes it personally which is a shame as people with strong opinions and who can fight their corner are always welcome here.