The Great Wheelie Bin Mystery!


At the Start
Dec 21, 2005
I woke up this morning & on opening my bedroom curtains my attention was immediately drawn to a large black wheelie bin that was in the middle of my front garden :suspect: my first thought was that our local council had started to provide wheelie bins for rubbish as we had green waste ones delivered the other week, but after going out to look at it, it has no markings & no one else in the street has one :suspect: it is brand new! phoned council they said it wasn't anything to do with them shrug::

So I have left it there!
Downright bizarre shrug::
Wheel it round the back and use it for compost, Aldaniti - never look a gift 'orse in the mouth, y'know! :D
Well, they emptied our bin and didn't put it back, we woke up binless. We rang them and were told that it would take a week to get a new one, so O/H ahem, borrowed one from an empty house under cover of darkness, though I am sure the residents that weren't deaf must have known something, he made enough noise wheeling it along.

I week later as promised a new bin was delivered, to our neighbour, shrug:: who didn't know why but accepted it. Husband didn't say anything because he was too ashamed to explain, so we had to keep the old scruffy one while they got a brand new one.
Ours got murdered one friday morning - we think it must have slipped under the lorry as it came off the things, cos all we saw was a spare binman with his hands over his eyes in a shockled fasion - then no bin.... :(

Dad rang up adn they said theyd deliver a new one the next day - we got a green one but no black one - the new black one finally turned up a fortnight later!! (and it wasnt even a new one - it was a recycled stinky one that theyd scrubbed out a bit!
Originally posted by Aldaniti@May 3 2007, 04:27 PM
I woke up this morning & on opening my bedroom curtains my attention was immediately drawn to a large black wheelie bin that was in the middle of my front garden :suspect: my first thought was that our local council had started to provide wheelie bins for rubbish as we had green waste ones delivered the other week, but after going out to look at it, it has no markings & no one else in the street has one :suspect: it is brand new! phoned council they said it wasn't anything to do with them shrug::

So I have left it there!
Downright bizarre shrug::
Aldiniti, it may have been abandoned by an E. Dead Group cleanup squad.
Originally posted by Aldaniti@May 3 2007, 03:27 PM
I woke up this morning & on opening my bedroom curtains my attention was immediately drawn to a large black wheelie bin that was in the middle of my front garden.........after going out to look at it, it has no markings........
Are you sure it isn't a monolith?
Yes, when you open the lid, do the strains of 'Das Sprech Zarathustra' come wafting out? Or has your binman taken on strangely simian features? :suspect:

There was a young girl, Aldaniti,
Known to all in her village as pretty,
But when she yelled "What is this?
Are they taking the p1ss?"
Her language was deemed to be sh1tty.

She said "I can't help it, really,
If I've suddenly come over all squealy -
'Cos this morning - at dawn!
Right out there on my lawn
Someone's dumped a feckin' big wheelie!"
Auntie Jon was a mad forumite
Whose lyrics were ever so tight
What she lacked in rhyming
Was made up with timing
Though she loved the words *****, feck and shite !!

EDIT: The other word was pi$$.... can't believe feck and shite got through though !!
You want to try another word meaning 'illegitimate' - a perfectly legitimate seven-letter word gets the 'star' treatment! Daft, or wot?
The complex English language, Krizon has mastered
She cusses superfluous apostrophes even whilst plastered
She posts feck, pi$$, and shite
But try as she might
Colin just won't let her post ba$tard
Oi! Not so much of the 'plastered', matey! Nowt but Twining's Everyday hath pathed my lipth...

I think we should form the TH Doggerel Club, c/f. Rhymes for every reason, and always a reason for our rhymes... :D
Originally posted by krizon@May 4 2007, 02:25 AM
Oi! Not so much of the 'plastered', matey! Nowt but Twining's Everyday hath pathed my lipth...

I think we should form the TH Doggerel Club, c/f. Rhymes for every reason, and always a reason for our rhymes... :D
:shy: I had to look up Doggerel, but it seems an apt description.