The Griffins Day Out At Towcester.

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A bit of a disaster really :lol: My bet of the day was to be Giovanna in the first. I was sure she couldn't lose and was going to punt quite heavily on my belief. My bloody parents faffed about so much when I got to their house that we left much later than I intended to, and we ended up arriving just as Giovanna jumped the last :angry: So I was several pounds poorer before we'd even got through the gates :angry: I did not find another winner all day :angry:

Almost immediately Georgia decided that she hated going racing. She voiced her displeasure loudly, all flaming afternoon :angry: My apologies to my fellow race goers, yes it was my baby that cried all afternoon, I'm sorry. The other girls loved being there though, Molly especially. Emily and I shared photography duties. Our skills do not rival those of any of the great photographers here :lol:


Would You Believe jumping the last on his way to victory :lol: :

Georgia telling me (and the world) how much she hates Towcester:

Georgia with my mum, praying that it'll all be over when she opens her eyes:

Emilys feet:

:D :D :D
I was there too, absolutely packed, a bit like Cheltenham, but with crap racing. What struck me was how many younger people my age were there, and actually enjoying it. The "let em all in" philosophy might not go down too well with stuffy National Hunt veteran types, but a good day was had by all and lets hope they keep coming back.
:lol: :lol: :lol: Griffin - a brilliantly good laugh before beddy-byes, thank you! Stunning action photography over the jump - I'm worried, I have a rival there! You look in fabulous nick for a new mum, tho' I'm concerned that Decibel Daisy (Gorgeous Georgia) might exhaust you!

Decades ago, my dear mother was entrusted with 'my father's' (it was appropriated by him the minute it was unpacked) 8mm Bell & Howell cine camera. We were then living in Lusaka (Zambia) and the big 3-day agricultural show was on, complete with African tribal dancing. My mother decided to be Expert of the Day and film this. Now, home cine filming in the 50s was considered a Big Deal then, and required elaborate projection and screen equipment to show the exquisite product on. My parents' friends were well into it and had all this, so after quite a bit of planning, a 'cine party' took place, with stocks of cold beer, peanuts, snacks, and more friends invited for the launch of mother's glittering cinematic offering, if not whole new career. Bearing in mind that this was a silent film (we couldn't manage a camera AND audio recording at the same time! - but neither had we thought of it), one had to imagine the drumming, the shuffling of feet, and the loud shouts and shrill whistles of the fabulous dancers stamping around the showgrounds on a hot and dusty afternoon.

Everyone took their place, grabbed their drinks, 'Uncle' Roger drew the curtains and put out the lights. He expertly started the projector and onto the silvery screen arrived... pitch black, punctuated by the occasional gleam of an excited dancer's eyeball. Not only an occasional eyeball, but an eyeball which floated in mysteriously from the left... then from the right... from the left... from the right... from the left... you could've hypnotized everyone by the time the debacle finished, except by then we were all helplessly rolling on the floor, choking on our peanuts.
That was a great jump by Would You Believe, so high it was almost out of range of the camera.

My long gone ma in law took her cine camera to the point to point races a few years ago and there's a classic shot of the horses running towards the camera followed by a shot of the sky which is actually ma in law falling ass over tit into a ditch :lol: :lol:

Excellent posting I must take the camera next time I go racing which reminds me Mrs Geezer is going to Ladies Day at Royal Ascot, I must remind her to take her camera, she is to photography what Bin Laden is to the Nobel Peace Prize.
What delightful posting- a true breath of fresh air!

I confess to thinking about this little family's day out and hoping the weather as well as everything would be fine. The photos are great and the report so real life, I'm sure many of us recall similar days out.
Three very lucky little girls.
Good luck to you Griffin and keep posting.
You are a courageous woman - taking all those young kids out to a place of no playstations or burger bars. God Bless your energy.

Your child if both beautiful and grumpy looking. She half reminds me of Krizon.
Originally posted by Tout Seul@Apr 19 2006, 10:57 PM
Three very lucky little girls.'ve lost one. I have four girls :lol: Daisy, Molly, Emily and Georgia. I've tried hard these past four weeks to get a photo of them all together and this is the closest I've come so far, it's just a shame Emily and Daisy started fighting seconds before I took the photo :lol:

Originally posted by jinnyj@Apr 20 2006, 04:02 PM
Great pic! Its just itching for some quotes though from the 3 eldest!
Everytime I look at it I think how horrid Daisy is :lol: She's the one in the middle, and she'd a split second earlier thumped Emily, who is crying yet Daisy still manages a big, innocent, butter wouldn't melt grin :lol:
Mmm... Emily's body language says it all, doesn't it, and that woeful face! :( Four beauties - all very Jane Austeny, may I say, especially with those flowing auburn tresses! I think you're guaranteed being looked after in your dotage by at least ONE, Griffs, so you can stop now (unless you're going for a rugby side?)!
Originally posted by krizon@Apr 20 2006, 08:32 PM
Four beauties - all very Jane Austeny, may I say, especially with those flowing auburn tresses!
Their hair is a constant nightmare and I'm currently working my way through them cutting it. Daisys is now shoulder length again, and it's Molly and Emilys turn this weekend. You would not believe the amount of time it takes to make their hair look presentable in the mornings for school :rolleyes: Somehow, no matter how hard I try, within minutes Emily always looks as if she's been dragged through a hedge :lol:
Oops! Four very lucky young ladies!

I have 4 sisters all younger than me. They used to fight like cats with each other except when they frequently ganged up on me.
Just plait the lot, Griffin - it usually takes a lot of messing about to make a plait look too unpresentable!! :lol: