The Irish Leger


At the Start
May 2, 2003
Irish Leger is on this Saturday, ground is currently soft but there is a desperate forecast for mid week here.

Al Eile
Arch Diamond
Mikhail Fokine
Mores Wells
New Zealand
Profound Beauty
Red Moloney
Royal And Regal
William Hogwarth
Boo! really hoping for better weather not worse. One forecast I read said it would be sunnier mid week and light showers on Saturday and Sunday. I prefer that one! :p

Hope to see Yeats as are coming over just for that - but will be great to be back in Ireland whatever happens. And Septimus is a favourite of ours too. If Yeats does not go just means we have to go to the Arc.

Woah! Just realised thast Septimus is not in your list - is he out then?
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Yeah afraid it is not a great forecast for you Islington! Wet Tuesday and Wednesday (talking about 40-60mm) but not sure for the rest of the week.

You just racing Saturday or Sunday as well?
Shitty morning in Meath but it's really brightened up into a lovely, breezy afternoon. Hope it's similar in Kildare.

I'll be there on the Sunday FWIW.
Typical. We are just coming over to see Yeats, had the idea very early this year, regardless of how much we know about the unpredictability of racehorses and entries for them. Good thing we like Septimus too.

Looks like we may end up going to Longchamp too. :mad:

Wish it would stop raining though .....
Without wishing to piss on your chips, but I hope Yeats runs at Doncaster. WOuld be good to see him try and win the Stayers Triple Crown.
Am I correct in assuming you mean run him in the Leger? If so, as far as I'm aware that's a 3yo only event. Unless there's another stayers race that I'm unaware of at Doncaster this weekend, and if so I apologise for my lack of knowledge.

Ooh-I remembered. Doncaster Cup. When is that?
RP report that Septimus and Yeats are both possibles for the Irish Leger. I would back Septimus over the trip every time.
It would have been nice to see another winner of the Sater's Triple Crown - but Yeats is definitely not going there, so we will wait for another stayer, or next year!

Septimus is the most likely runner in the Irish St Leger (Simon, they allow all age horses unliked the English Classic) with Yeats a possibility should Septimus not go for some reason. If Yeats does not turn up there he goes for the Prix du Cadran.

I'd just like to see him race, I think Septimus would win over that distance. But with Yeats you never know how much he has left, he is pretty cheeky. :)

Lovely and sunny here, hope the track is drying out there .... we go for the plane in an hour.
Yeats and Septimus are both declared. Am lead to believe Yeats only runs if for some reason Septimus does not.
I cant remember exactly how it worked with Yeats when he won the Ledger on route to the Melbourne Cup but I'm sure he did not get a penalty. I presume septimus will not get a penalty either?
I cant remember exactly how it worked with Yeats when he won the Ledger on route to the Melbourne Cup but I'm sure he did not get a penalty. I presume septimus will not get a penalty either?

That's because Yeats never won an Irish Leger as prep for his Melbourne Cup.
I cant remember exactly how it worked with Yeats when he won the Ledger on route to the Melbourne Cup but I'm sure he did not get a penalty. I presume septimus will not get a penalty either?

Yeats didn't win the Leger that year; got done by Kastoria.
I was under the impression he would not have got anyway. i take it septimus is eligible for a penalty?
Thanks for clearing that up. I must have been thinking that Yeats was unlikely to get a penalty for beating trees that year.