The Jockeys Who Fall Off Most Often...


At the Start
May 2, 2003
From The Guardian...

Among the many features on the BHA's vastly improved website is a blog section, where we heard this week from their latest recruit. Mark Blackman, who used to do the ante-post tipping in the Racing Post, has signed up to assist in the never-ending fight against corruption and explains his role here.
The bit that jumped out at me comes towards the end, where he says he's "put the wheels in motion to secure some racing analysis software". This will allow him to answer questions like these: "Which trainer-jockey combinations are most susceptible to being slowly away? Which ones are most frequently turned over at odds-on, or miss out on a place when starting at cramped odds? Which riders are unseated more often than others?"
I'm delighted that Blackman is doing this kind of thing, though it's a bit surprising that the BHA hasn't been using software to tell them things like this before now. Raceform Interactive is just one of the products they could have been using for years.
Some of these stats may help in the fight against corruption but one that will make no contribution whatever is the one about which riders are unseated more often than others. It is just possible that there might be the odd bent jockey out there who thinks the best way to throw a race is to topple out of the saddle in mid-jump, but mostly you'd imagine that someone that self-serving would find a way to lose without risking a trip to the hospital.
But 'unseated' stats are of great interest to those of us who follow the sport, because they give us an insight into the relative abilities of jockeys. We think we know which are most easily unseated but there is nowhere you can go to look at the actual numbers. I get very jealous of sports such as American football, whose ruling body has constantly updated stats on all players on its website, so you can find out very quickly what a guy is good at and what he does less well.
You can get a lot of stats about the circumstances in which a particular jockey has won races, but anything to do with misfortune (fell, unseated, refused, pulled up) is just not available and it should be. If a jockey is more likely to put his horse on the floor at Cheltenham than drive it to victory, we should know that.
As one small step in that direction, I've answered Blackman's question about which jockeys get unseated most. Even so, I just haven't the time to hand-crank the numbers for all jump jockeys. I've looked at the 20 who have ridden most winners this season and added in three others whose profile demands it – Ruby Walsh, Barry Geraghty and Sam Thomas.
I've counted hurdle and chase races in Britain over the three years to the end of last month and put the jockeys in order by percentage of rides that end with 'unseated rider'. It would hardly be fair to rank them simply by number of unseateds because some of these have had a lot more rides than the others. Sure, Tony McCoy has been unseated 27 times to Denis O'Regan's 13, but then he's had more than twice as many rides.
As you'd expect from the best jockeys, none of them get unseated very often – the worst was still below 3% – and the differences between their numbers seem small. Then again, the jockey at the top of the table has come adrift of his mount more than seven times as often as the one at the bottom.
By printing these stats, I'm not trying to embarrass anyone and none of these riders have anything to be embarrassed about. But, as we saw with Sam Thomas last season, jockeys can sometimes be judged harshly if they endure a run of misfortune in televised races. Instead of guessing, we may as well find out the facts. So here, in order, are the jockeys who have been unseated most over the past three years.

1 Nick Scholfield 2.9%

A young, inexperienced and improving rider, Scholfield became first jockey to Andy Turnell in the spring after Mark Grant was forced out by dissatisfied owners. He is currently eighth in the jockeys' table on a very healthy strike-rate of 19% and most of his winners have come for other yards, including Paul Nicholls, for whom he rode as a conditional. When Turnell starts fielding his good horses, Scholfield could be a prolific winner. Still, 13 unseateds from 453 rides isn't very clever – he would still be top of this list if he had fallen off only 10 of those. But it seems he's getting better at staying in the plate, having been unseated just three times this year. Last year, he came off six times, including a tumble from Armaturk at Bangor's second-last fence, when he was 30 lengths clear on a 1-3 shot.

2 Christian Williams 2.1%

Three years after he suffered a fall that put him in intensive care for 10 days and could easily have ended his career, it seems petty to be totting up Williams' unseateds. Still, for those who want to know, he's come off 20 times from 950 rides. In his 11th year with a licence, Williams is unlikely to be getting any better and, if you back his mounts, you may just have to accept a slightly higher risk of unseating than you'd get from another top rider. And you might like to keep your fingers crossed until after the first fence, where he has fallen off three times this year.

3 Rhys Flint 2.1%

Still a teenager, Flint shows immense promise and a position this high in the table is likely to prove unfair in the long term. He's had many fewer rides than other names in this list and if he'd had four unseateds, instead of six, he'd be in mid-table. Unforgiving backers of Lake Wakatipu may remember Flint going out the side-door at the second-last at Aintree this summer, when the pair were four lengths clear and seemingly destined for victory. In fairness, the horse had jinked right and then left, which would have had most riders in trouble.

4 Daryl Jacob 2.1%

The winner of three Grade Ones in Ireland on The Listener, before losing the ride to Andrew McNamara, Jacob has racked up 22 unseateds from 1,052 rides. Aside from Sam Thomas (below), the only others to rack up that many tumbles have been Graham Lee and Tony McCoy, who each had a lot more rides – 700 more in Lee's case, 1,200 more for McCoy. There have been some excuses, with some horses getting hampered or jumping poorly, but those things happen to everyone and it could be argued that a jockey may be to blame in some cases if a horse does not jump well. Those who were on Coolers Quest at Wincanton in October 2007 will be interested to see Jacob near the top of this list – the pair were 20 lengths clear before parting company at the third-last.

5 Sam Thomas 1.9%

As second jockey to Paul Nicholls, Thomas has been lucky enough to win some very high-profile races, including the Gold Cup on Denman, but it all came apart last autumn when he was deputising for the injured Ruby Walsh. On consecutive weekends, he came off Kauto Star in the Betfair Chase and Big Buck's in the Hennessy, both times at the final fence.
When he hit the deck twice more on the following Monday at Folkestone, there was widespread speculation about his level of confidence and he was denied the ride on Master Minded in the Tingle Creek. At the time, I wrote that people were over-reacting to a high-profile run of misfortune and used faller stats to show that Thomas's record was one of the best among leading riders. But it would seem that such is not the case when it comes to being unseated, a fate Thomas has suffered 27 times from 1,422 mounts, nine of which came during a two-month span at the end of last year.
Interestingly, he has only come off twice more since New Year's Day, so maybe he did have a bad run that is now behind him. But something isn't right in Thomas's world – his strike-rate of 8% this season is half what he's been achieving over the previous three years.

Here's the rest of the list. Geraghty's record is deeply impressive, even allowing for the fact that he's had fewer rides than most of the others. In the entire three-year period, he was never unseated at an obstacle, but still has a score of one, thanks to Finger Onthe Pulse stumbling on the bend and ditching him in the 2007 Coral Cup.
Oliver Greenall 1.7%
Aidan Coleman 1.7%
Ruby Walsh 1.7%
Brian Hughes 1.6%
Denis O'Regan 1.3%
Timmy Murphy 1.3%
Graham Lee 1.3%
Noel Fehily 1.2%
Tony McCoy 1.2%
Paul Moloney 1.2%
Jason Maguire 1.2%
Paddy Brennan 1.1%
Tom Scudamore 1.1%
Dean Coleman 1%
Robert Thornton 1%
Richard Johnson 0.9%
Seamus Durack 0.9%
Barry Geraghty 0.4%
But the bald stats give only part of this vital tool to ever more successful punting, Gal! Surely, one has to break down the causes of the Unseats, in order to note who has the best possible chance of keeping their horse between their legs under the following conditions:

Jink, dropping shoulder
Attempt to refuse
Attempt to run-out
Actual refusal
Actual run-out
Slip-up on bend
Slip-up on straight
Slide or sprawl following jump
Peck following jump
Stumble on bend
Stumble on straight
Stumble following jump
Horse clouts jump and halts momentum
Horse balloons unexpectedly (punts jockey into space)
Horse lands too steeply after jump
Horse is barged by another horse
Horse is cut across by another horse
Horse is over-corrected when heading for the stables
Horse or rider takes avoiding action re: errant jump attendant/groundsman/prone jockey/amateur photographer

And so on. And then there's the further exciting cross-reference as to the type of conveyance from which the unseat took place:

Debut hurdler
Debut chaser
Experienced hurdler/chaser
Cranky old handicapper who wants to do dressage instead
Nutcase bastid who's had everyone on the deck

There's always so much more to research to do the job properly!
Really interesting analysis. Agree that it does not tell the whole story necessarily but could form a useful pointer for certain races. How easy would it be to slice it up into "easy"/"stiff" courses?
Interesting stats, but I think they are bound to reflect badly on conditional riders who are obviously learning their trade and who will often end up riding bad jumpers. It would be interesting to compare the records of McCoy, Brennan, Geraghty etc. when they were conditionals. Of course the conditionals who finally make the grade are the smart ones who learn from their early errors and constantly strive to improve, which is exactly what Nick Scholfield seems to have done over the last 12 months.

As for Sam Thomas, isn't his low strike rate a reflection of the fact that Venetia had very few runners over the summer?
Jockeys would like reverse stats, too, I'm sure - how many didn't get unseated when their horses slid, pecked, stumbled, jinked and otherwise didn't motor round with one foot following the other - nice examples just now in the chase at Ascot. That would prove who had the best stickability, rather than the least.

Davy Russell (MADE IN TAIPAN) has added to the lustre of his UR record just now - with a very strange departure to starboard. Didn't look as if MIT did anything wrong at the last in the Popular Chase, but sometimes jockeys just have to keep up their numbers.
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Dickie Johnson showed marvellously at Ascot today how good he is over fences; he came to grief twice in two rides in a row. The way Sam Thomas seems to have learnt to do it, Johnson often comes into an obstacle with virtually no contact and washing line reins so doesn't help the horse since he has no help balancing approaching the jump. More often than not that means he comes a cropper over fences especially; it's easier to get away with it over hurdles.
I haven't watched much jumps over the summer but I have keep being told that Johnson is finished. From what I've seen myself of late I couldn't agree more, to the point that I won't back him. He seems unable to present a horse at a fence these days and seems to lack the bottle to stand off one. Knight Legend has long since been a poor jumper, but they were embarassing at Wetherby yesterday.
I'd tend to agree with all that (didn't see Wetherby yesterday though!). Johnson seems to get progressively worse at presenting one at a fence (Sam Thomas has been taking lessons from him) and I'd like to know what happened to the amateur who, being fired out of the saddle at the last, clung on round the horse's neck, twisted his body round and vaulted back into the saddle to win the race?!
Whisper is that RJ has a massive bet going with Harry Findlay that he can manage 50 splats by the end of the season. RJ said "watch me!", and his attempt is looking pretty tasty at the moment.
Davy Russell (MADE IN TAIPAN) has added to the lustre of his UR record just now - with a very strange departure to starboard. Didn't look as if MIT did anything wrong at the last in the Popular Chase, but sometimes jockeys just have to keep up their numbers.

The horse guessed at the second last and belted it giving Russell little chance of staying on,the saddle came up and hit him hard in the groin:(,he had to give up the rest of his rides.

(Thanks for that, Father. The detail of why he fell off wasn't over-clear from the film. I imagine he's given up a bit more than the day's rides, too.)
I'd tend to agree with all that (didn't see Wetherby yesterday though!). Johnson seems to get progressively worse at presenting one at a fence (Sam Thomas has been taking lessons from him) and I'd like to know what happened to the amateur who, being fired out of the saddle at the last, clung on round the horse's neck, twisted his body round and vaulted back into the saddle to win the race?!

all credit !!

though doesnt that count as re-mounting?? ;)
Everytime I see Dickie's mounts approach a fence/hurdle these days I fear the worse and yet he still rides so many winners.

Just goes to what decent (and loyal) stables he has to ride for.
Nick Scholfield consolidates his position at the head of the list with another unseat at the last at Huntingdon.
Nick Scholfield consolidates his position at the head of the list with another unseat at the last at Huntingdon.

That looked a pretty soft unseat . As for Richard Johnson - the stats don't seem to support the opinions on this thread - interesting.Perhaps he is just good at staying on after getting himself into a position when he is at risk ?
Jonners apparently gives excellent feedback to owners and trainers, but for me, he would much rather fiddle at a hurdle/fence late in a race, than throw his horse at it - he sacrifices momentum too often, imo.
Dickie Johnson, is that? I find that he often throws them at a fence even in the early stages; reins like washing lines so he has zero contact whatsoever which means it is hard to regain balance if a mistake were to be made. I'd love for Yogi [Breisner] to get a hold of him after one of his many mistakes thus!
Surprised that Rhys Flint hasn't appeared on this list as yet - horses just seem to make mistakes for him, no idea why but he doesn't seem to be able to get it right over the larger obstacles.
Irish Stamp: Gal only did research on the top 20 in the current jockeys' championship, and added Walsh, Geraghty and Thomas. So the "worst offenders" are unlikely to have been identified.