I watched that one as well after Rough Diamond
I heard at the time of 9/11 about Building 7 coming down but there was not, at the time, so much made about it as the building had been vacated so no loss of life hear. I wasn't aware, until last night that the government had rooms in this building.
That radio DJ, his name escapes me, has certainly drummed up some hysteria in the US with his various conspiracy theories. I was amazed that he hadn't been taken out, or at least taken off the air.
There was the interesting bit about the X Files where they had screened only 6 months previously, an episode called "The Lone Gunman" which was about hijackers flying planes into the same buildings BUT in the The X Files the fighter bombers managed to divert the crisis. There was a rumour that the writer of the X Files could therefore be involved although he was more concerned that the hijackers may have copied the X Files storyline.
The air traffic controllers didn't come out of the programme very well either as there was so much confusion on the morning of 9/11 due to a military role play exercise being acted out in the air (evidently) the same morning of 9/11 and it took a while to know if the planes that were reported as being hostile were actually part of the exercise. The fighter bombers assuming that any attacks would come in from "across the sea" then headed off (apparently) in completely the wrong direction.
There was also a consipracy theory about all the Jews being warned about the attack beforehand, which didn't hold much water with the sister of one of the Jewish men that died or the other 9% of the total which would have been approximately the right figure - in percentage terms, evidently.