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The Laws An Arse. When Is Justice Going To Prevail

Merlin the Magician

Dormant account
May 2, 2003

Driver gets 18 months for hit-and-run killing Monday April 3, 05:06 PM

LONDON (Reuters) - A mother whose daughter was killed by a hit-and-run driver described the 18-month jail sentence handed down to him on Monday as an insult.

Susan Craen said Jaswinder Singh should have been jailed for longer and banned from driving for life after knocking down 20-year-old Abigail Craen in Birmingham in October last year.

"Abigail was a wonderful talented beautiful girl whose

life was full of light and laughter," her mother said. "This sentence is an insult to her. She's dead and our lives have been desolated.
"The man who killed her has a small interruption to his own life. How many more deaths will it take before hit-and-runs are taken seriously by the courts in England?

"This is no deterrent and no punishment."

Singh knocked down Abigail Craen on a pelican crossing in the Edgbaston area of the city. The impact threw her body 30 metres down the road and she died of her injuries the next day.

In court, Singh said he did not stop because he had no insurance. He handed himself in to police only after Abigail's mother allowed newspapers to publish photos of her daughter lying on her death bed.

Only months before the incident, Singh was given back his licence after serving a 12-month-ban for drink driving.

He has already served five months of his jail term and police said he could be out within another four months.
On the other hand, a young white man put a road sign in the middle of a road for a prank, caused the death of TWO young women when the one driving swerved to avoid it, hit a tree, and killed herself and her passenger. He's just been given an 18-month PROBATIONARY sentence - he's not even going to sit in jail for two minutes.
In my view, based only on the info provided here, both offences deserve a roughly similar sentence much longer than given to the driver.People should be responsible for the consequences of their actions where these are reckless, negligent or illegal.

As a father I tend to feel quite stongly about the sentences given to people who cause the death of others by drunk driving. I shiver whenever I hear or read of a parent stricken by the loss of a child.But that feeling aside the sentences should be such as to deter all but the most stupid or foolhardy.

In the example Krizon quotes one can imagine that might arise during a drunken walk back from a pub with friends, where one idiot begins showing off. If it were widely known that such a "prank" could lead to a five year sentence then a less drunk member of the group might be prompted to shout "Leave it out mate! You could get 5 years for that"
Seeing as this sort of thing is also in the news, this is the scumbag whose face graced the front page of our local newspaper

How many times will he dodge true justice

It beggers belief how this guy is still allowed out on our streets, I remember when he knocked the little girl over as I lived very close to the road. He was driving without a licence, insurance and in an unroadworthy car, and then goes and leaves her dying in the road, yet just over 2 years later he out of prison involved in ramraiding Woolworths and a 100mph policechase. He is regarded as a dangerous man by the judges who've sentanced him, yet in another 2 years he will be out of prison again and as we've seen before, it probably won't stop him.
Just appalling - again and again, human lives are summed-up as worth far less than money or property by the judicial process. No wonder there are areas in Britain where shooting rival gang members is just another way of saying 'I don't like you'. If the arbiters of what is supposed to show the punishment fitting the crime can't and won't show more respect for people, it's no wonder certain people will never show any respect for the law. And long gone are the days when you might've appealed to someone's 'better nature' on the basis of suffering social ostracisim or divine wrath!
If you can't learn your lesson after killing a child, no jail sentence or rehabilitation will make any difference. I've often felt there is no need to give jail sentences to people in these instances as living with the guilt would be penalty enough - obviously this would appear not to be the case..
Going more than slightly off topic, does anyone remember a song from the late 80's called "Institutionalised" - if so, can they remind me of who sang it.