The Mark Steel Lectures

Irish Stamp

Forum Moderator
Mar 21, 2004
Anyone watch these?

Seen a few of them but he basically talks about historical characters and events - such as the abolition of slavery, Marx and Engels etc. Last night he did Sylvia (sp?) Pankhurst and the suffragette movement. How she wanted to support the Marxist revolution in Russia but was told in effect by Lenin that she was "too left wing".

I'd recommend if anyone has the chance that they watch these on BBC2 and BBC3/4, great incite to history complete with a lighthearted approach.
Emily, not Sylvia, IS. ;) A very brave woman who, with many others, took on the brutally aggressive establishment and finally won the day for us wimminfolk to vote. Not that single women were allowed to do that (probably because we're all too weak-minded and feeble to think without a husband to guide us to where to put our 'x') until something like 1927 -- I'm fairly sure I've got that year wrong, but it was very late in the day for us to get the right to vote.
:shy: Probably, Pee - I didn't know that my Granny's name wasn't Eve, but Evelyne, until a month ago, when I found some family papers.