Let me explain: Rupey Murdoch - news baron - News of the World - campaigning for a 'Sarah's Law' like Megan's Law in the USA - paedos to be on public file - Home Secretary (J. Reid) responding by sending junior minister to 'learn' from USA - thoughts expressed by head of Police Association that Murdoch's newspaper is forcing the government to make knee-jerk, popular responses to many Home issues - ergo, Murdoch replacing Reid's function. Geddit?
Heaven forfend that the government should respond to the will of the people, however crudely expressed (beats being dragged from one's bed and guillotined or shot in the House during question time, though - other previously popular expressions of the people when faced with recalcitrant authority). The Police now fret that they are expected to respond to the many and varied 'solutions' proposed by the News of the Screws, which has kept up a far more dedicated campaign since the murder of Sarah Payne than any Home Office policy. Without some campaigning newspapers, however tabloid or red topped they are, it would appear that the Police, like Nanny, always know what's best for us and would do bugger all proactively. Apart from mounting high-profile, mega-cost fatal or injurious pursuits of non-terrorists.