The Soldiers of Odin take to the streets


At the Start
Jun 6, 2005
As Europe's authorities remains paralysed by fear, and the continents good women folk are attacked on the streets of our major cities by way of an apparent sport, the Finns have mobilised 'the Soldiers of Odin'

Needless to say, Reddit is full of American second ammendmenters laughing at liberal Europe, and equally denouncing that mad mongoose Merkel. In fact the way they tried to cover it up is quite sinister, but when populations begin to lose confidence in the authorities to provide protection we will inevitably see civilians taking matters up themselves, and lets be honest, there can be few more incendary issues than immigrants attacking indigenous females
but when populations begin to lose confidence in the authorities to provide protection we will inevitably see civilians taking matters up themselves,
It's deeper, I think. It's more than populations losing faith in levels of protection. It is Euro indigenous populations having strong doubts about multiculturism; they don't believe in it anymore -- they don't think it is a viable concept. Some don't believe that even cultural co-existence is operationally practicable. The attitudes and behaviour of the recent immigrant flood isn't doing anything to dispel this view.
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Google report an 80% surge in German IP addresses landing on websites explaining what people need to do in order to apply for a fire arms license. Gun shops reporting a spike in sales. My favourite account was that of a young girl protesting that the shop had run out of handguns and decided instead to buy a crossbow! urm .... not sure that you can fit a crossbow in your handbag for an evening out.

Appears to be problems in Denmark too, with the locals starting to organise
Why is the collective noun for immigrants 'floods' while we are merely 'ex-pats?'

I'm sure David Cameron referred to them as "swarms". I think "floods" is politically sensitive right now and not a word he wants in the news
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May the good Lord protect us from this ever-increasing prevalence of PC pettifoggery!
Okay, just to be "on-side" I'll replace the word FLOOD with MULTITUDE.
Will that be acceptable?
The German town of Bonheim has taken the decision to ban asylum seekers from the local swimming pool today after recieving complaints from female users aboiut harrassment. So far as I can establish looking at the various reports, it tends to be North Africans who are mainly responsible.
Coming soon after the fatal stabbing of a Swedish woman by an asylum seeker, it looks as if another vigilante group is emerging. It was always inevitable that as people lost confidence in the political classes and instruments of the state to protect them, that they'd start to mount their own defence.

Also we witnessed local riots in the Netherlands against proposals to rehouse them 2 weeks ago

Is Europe starting to fall apart? Has insanity Merkel committed one of the most stupid pieces of policy in post war European history?
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