The Weather

Tout Seul

Senior Jockey
May 2, 2003
We had one of the biggest electrical storms I've ever seen in the early hours of this morning. Right now as the sun sinks west of us is a bright neon like orange as the sunlight hits the cloud. The air is still and to the East are huge flashes of light. Apparently this lot will be more intense.

Probably means no electricity for us sometime soon. Back to the Stone Age.
I slept right through it last night. Cycled lots in heat yesterday so nicely knocked out

I like the heat but today was very hot indeed

Yesterday my home place was hottest spot in country

I hate thunder and lightning.
When I moved into my house 4 years ago I remember thinking, "this place will be awesome in a thunderstorm" because you can see for miles (literally - 20 miles or so).

We haven't had a decent storm in all the time I've been living here - saw a few nice strikes a couple of weeks ago but thats it. Today's effort consisted of a couple of thunderclaps and that was it.
Nothing here yesterday at all. Didn't rain at any point. Mrs O was out down the Clyde Valley and asked if we'd got the thunderstorm. Not even a distant rumble. I managed to get the grass cut ahead of the forecast heavy rain today.

It will be up around my ears by midweek if we do get rain today.
Was awoken in the night a couple of times by some huge rumbles of thunder, but don't remember seeing any lightning. Remember being sat on a deserted beach on an island of Malaysia in mid 90's and watching the most fantastic electrical storm battering the mainland. Truly a wonderous sight when you see something like that.
Yep, there's something amazing about electrical storms, especially the really big ones.

I do, though, remember being scared pretty much shitless sitting in my top floor flat in Bordeaux right under the most deafening and blinding thunderstorm I've ever experienced. I seriously thought about getting to the bottom floor and hiding under the concrete staircase until it passed but I was too fascinated by it!
"As long as old men sit and talk about the weather
As long as old women sit and talk about old men "
are the words of an old country song Randy Travis sang.
As there is no Garth Brooks thread on here I am just wondering if this thread is some kind of code for same /
Only kidding !
