They've Found Popeye's Mum!

Merlin the Magician

At the Start
May 2, 2003


She is entitled to a few wrinkles at her age, even though she's a couple (of years, not wrinkles) behind your good self, Kri.
She's an eight pint, double bagger, Thursday nighter when you're away from home, and only then if there are no decent blokes or black face sheep around.
Originally posted by DIVER@Dec 22 2005, 01:50 PM
She's an eight pint, double bagger, Thursday nighter when you're away from home, and only then if there are no decent blokes or black face sheep around.
Or Krizon for short :P
Her eyes are looking in totally different directions. Suppose she was trying to be coy.
Polite note to Pee (well named) and muffless Diver: That's your entrance badges fucked for next year. (And having met both of you, about the only things that would have been.)
Rude? You call that RUDE? Listen, &£$"!)&^, I haven't even @~%$!< started being ?>8^^%3£ rude yet! Okay, maybe just Pee's badges are fecked.
Aww I am sorry. I HAVE got to put up with Shadow Leader for 5 days now though. Can I have my badges now in lieu of a medal??
:lol: I'd heard them called 'lighthouse eyes'. A friend of mine has them, and it's very difficult knowing which one to look at when talking to her! :blink:
From the original transplant. The patient was lacking in the eyelid area so they transplanted the part removed after a circumcision there.

He ended up cock-eyed.

And they had thought that it would have given him more foresight.
Problems arose later when the patient rubbed his eyes, and then rubbed, and rubbed, and rubbed, and rubbedandrubbedandrubbed and had the first recorded optical orgasm.