This is bloody funny ....

this story a bit funnier..imo from



its from my blog but a story i was told today. Blackly comic to say the least

Not unheard of, indeed, grade 2 listed's have been accidentally demolished before now

It reminds me of an urban regeneration/ demo appraisal I once had a hand in and someone decided they'd mischievously assess the IRA as a potential contractor to see how they scored on the formula. Not surprisingly they did extremely well. For a start they were very cheap, and their guarantee to be able to cut through red tape and protestors was also attractive. They scored highly on financial contributions from government (Arndale centre) further more the award of compensation didn't come with all sorts of onerous monitoring strings attached either. The downside was collateral damage, but provided we got enough warning we reckoned we could manage this
It reminds me of an urban regeneration/ demo appraisal I once had a hand in and someone decided they'd mischievously assess the IRA as a potential contractor to see how they scored on the formula. Not surprisingly they did extremely well. For a start they were very cheap, and their guarantee to be able to cut through red tape and protestors was also attractive. They scored highly on financial contributions from government (Arndale centre) further more the award of compensation didn't come with all sorts of onerous monitoring strings attached either. The downside was collateral damage, but provided we got enough warning we reckoned we could manage this


Nice one

were john McDonnell and corbyn on the commitee? I expect they would have probably demanded a certain number of british casualties as part of the contract
The best one I ever saw was when someone mischievously subjected Rail Link to win the Arc de Triomphe to the small project appraisal formula. Suffice to say, it came out as high risk/ high reward, but was a long way from being the worst spend decision we could have made for £25,000 (about middle ranking IIRC). It amused me anyway that backing a racehorse was considered to be a better use of public money than some of the frankly useless stuff we were being Shanghaied into subsidising (sorry investment funding) each year. At least with Rail Link there was a chance we could get something back, whereas with a lot of these 'pet projects' they were clearly dead money propping up politicians personal playthings (Kids Compnay would be an example of this panning out on a national stage of course).

Suffice to say, investing £25,000 on Rail Link at 16/1 would have wiped out our overspend in one weekend! It transpired to be the best project we could have backed. We did consider writing out to Aiden O'Brien and asking whether he'd be so good as to consider giving the following names to his best 2yo's "Feasibility Study", "Consultants Report", or "IT Training" and see whether we could get that through the audit office
Lot of money wasted in public sector warbler thats true especially time spent by employees pissing around
Political interference
Management refusing to take responsbility by seeking the protection of consultants opinion
Ignorance of IT

being the three biggest offenders. There is of course the good old fashioned **** up, but they aren't actually as prevalent as common myth might have you believe (they do exist though)

There are things of course which are more difficult to quantify such as opportunity cost

but the private sector does some incredibly stupid things too
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Yes but the private sector company would be punished. See above. They went bust

i don't know how you work in the public sector warbler. Talking about this with some mates last night, it must be hell on earth. Since being self employed the one and only time that I've simply not wanted to get up in the morning was a consultancy (although admittedly and thankfully I broker more these days) at the NHS. It was dire. Otherwise I've loved every moment of working with my clients (mostly Smes)

agood freind of mine and my brother both had spells in public sector after private. neither are workaholics by any stretch but they were goggle eyed. They couldn't believe what they saw. People on £60k who did absolutely zero. Financial managers who couldn't turn on excel, which is like being a porn star without a knob. List went on and on until I told them to shut up. A good lady I know has just had a spell at the bbc and is absolutely scathing.

suits some but not exactly for those of independent spirit and intelligence . Must do your head in
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Back in the day I did know..very well.. a lady that did a little very strong stuff ..shall we say.

She was actually quiet and demure. One of a certain crowd I knocked around with she was last one you would have suspected.