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This Place Is Boring At The Moment

We could discuss if there is any worse condition than being a black gay man.
Originally posted by Shadow Leader@Aug 3 2006, 08:03 PM
We get the same thing every year - I blame the flat racing season!!!
Oh do come off it Dom, i love Jump racing but from the King George through to Cheltenham last season there must have been two/three days decent racing tops over a period of two and a half months.
I have a friend that believes that late life improvement in athletic performance is typically drug induced. I personally prefer evidence.
You should read Game of Shadows an. Not just about baseball, it`s a fascinating book about drug abuse in sport.
Do you think so, Euro? Maybe it's because I have no interest in getting involved in these debates about ratings, speed figures et al - but I really do think that things tend to liven up during the jumps season, what with all the debates on Beef Or Salmon, Iris's Gift, which nervous chasers are any good and so on.
Speed figures leave me cold as well, but surely ratings debates are just as common over the sticks? Despite being a flat man i`ve always said Cheltenham is the number one festival of the whole year, it`s just a shame a lot of the rest of it is a bit mundane.
Ollie Cromwell - thank God for a decent, hard-grafting Englishman to shift that lazy, good-for-nothing rabble in Ireland. Only by him stirring an unrelenting hatred in their wheezing, pigeon breasts have they managed to slowly lumber to their scabby bare feet and make themselves into the economic powerhouse they are today. Cromwell = hatred = motivation = arse-moving = work = riches. Hats off to our Ollie!
Maybe you're right, Euro - it may just be my lack of interest in the subject matter. It seems to me though that more people get involved in the jumps discussions - particularly as in the main you're seeing the same horses year-in, year out rather than the high percentage of flat horses that you only see out for sometimes just their 2 and 3yo seasons. You've got to admit some of the longer running (and sometimes tedious, I concede!) topics have been about the jumps - Beef Or Salmon, Iris's Gift, Kicking King, Rooster Booster, Best Mate, Baracouda et al.
As opposed to the fascinating topic of a comedian swimming the channel in aid of publicity...sorry chariddy...you mean?
zzz... wha? zzzsnorflesnore... (rolls over, cuddles ancient teddy bear, mutters 'wha'evvah') ... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...
The fact is, Shads is right. And I'd never admit that during the winter.

the only decent debates on this place are related to National Hunt in the Winter. The rest of the time it's a bloody bore. Let's be honest.
Every now and again, there is a corker of a debate related to the Flat season:

Montjeu vs Sinndar
Dubai Millenium vs Hawk Wing

But most of the time we just faff on about Matt Chapman, Willie Carson, Paul Cole's training of 2yo's, etc.

But we are as guilty as anybody. If you want a topic that interests you, fecking post something.