Thread Obituaries

Bar the Bull

At the Start
May 2, 2003
Llandubno, West Wales (very west)
I thought this would be a good place to mourn the passing of threads.

First off, the child execution thread. Made famous by Merlin, cruelly cut down in its prime by Ardross.

Rest in Peace*

You will be missed.

* For the benefit of An Capall, you may not believe that threads have souls, but this one certainly had legs.
I've seen Ardross get a lot of stick for closing threads in the past, but in my opinion he was right to do so this time.
Sometimes it's a good idea to wind up certain threads for the good of all concerned and for the forum in general.
Hey Bar!!! :angry: you little immature arsehole tosser. !! h:) :angry: :blink: Why did you name me in this thread when I have done nothing to provoke YOU!

I will be in Lucan next week and I am going to throw papers in yer Ma's garden for that ye little idiot!!!