Thuggery on Racecoursex

Along with taking in the scenery, a day at the races is supposed to be about defeating, belittling, and humiliating the real enemy - the bookies.

If people can't do that, (we've all been there), and decide to start knocking the **** out of each other because their pockets are empty, they are degenerate idiots, who should be barred for life from race tracks.
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I don't advocate thuggery, but I wholly-support Racecoursex where the opportunity arises.
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Good advice penalties are very stiff in Iran though. You could head for Israel, Chile or Argentina but there aren't any racecourses I know off but plenty zoos where they might lend you a zebra
Booze as always!

I assume most people on Talking Horses actually love Horseracing (Jumps for me) but many go to the races to get smashed on works do's, Hen/Stags etc.

I remember when I started going racing in the 90's, I went to Worcester for an evening meeting(drive from Cardiff) and Birmingham football fans were causing mayhem and that was the first and only time (Don't do summer flat festivals) I've seen that!
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