Hmmm.... I wonder if it will be shown, or we'll get one of those hand-wringingly pious voices intoning 'in light of recent events... ' or, in light of this week's non-events, fortuitously.
Meandering, as an elderly old crone does, somewhat off-topic now, but does anyone else find all those nannying, caring warnings before scenes of puppies crushed by their 35-stone owners more sickening than most things you'll ever watch? "Contains some scenes which viewers might find disturbing/distressing/idiotic... " Oh, for God's sake - it's just a bellowing kid covered in jellyfish bites at Bude, not a public dismemberment.
And as for the film ratings now - 'contains mild violence' - what's that, a tweaked ear? Or just a broken arm if it's Tarantino?
I can't help but feel that one day I'll be nannied caringly to death in Boots the Convenience Store Which Used to be a Chemist, with endless voice-overs exhorting me to eat five tons of vegetables a day, ask impertinently if I've had my flu jab (thanks, but it's entirely my business if I want to die of respiratory failure), and to slather myself in radiation-defying petroleum-based goo. "What was that?" I shall wonder in alarm, concerned I may have missed vital information on preventing night cramps - missing my footing on their vertiginous escalators and plunging to a fragrant death amid the Special Offers in the perfumery department.
Enough already with the insidious messages of imminent mutilation by safety razor, of unseemly demise lurking in every packet of peanuts which "Make Contain Nut Traces!", toothpaste which advises strongly not to eat it (and there I was, desperate for a Colgate-and-cheese sarnie), and plastic bags which 'may cause suffocation' if worn closely as facial adornment. The relentless note of hysteria permeating Britain at every level needs all of the shooting-down it can get, if not by ground-to-air missile, then by effective and very brutal satire. If 'Time Trumpet' can manage that, it'll be doing a better job for the health of society than any amount of bleedin' obvious so-called safety messages.