Tom Tom

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I have been tempted to purchase a Tom Tom route finder gadget thingy when they first came out but thought they were overpriced. My boyfriend found them on special offer this week so purchased one. Has anyone else any knowledge of them, as I used it for the first time today and thought it was brilliant!

For anyone not sure what it is, it is a mini computer gadget that basically gives you directions, and being a woman going racing and out to visit customers, you can imagine how many times I get lost. :P

Basically, you programme in "from" and "to" and the computer talks you through (and shows you) the route telling you when to turn left and right and the distance etc. You are linked to about 7 satellites so you rarely get "no signal". I am off out again with it tomorrow. I had an English woman giving me directions today, I am going to try it with a young American tomorrow! If you get my drift! B)

I was really, really impressed. The detail is mindblowing. It even tells you where the nearest petrol station ands cash point machine is, plus places of interest etc etc....
Sounds like the one a local horse transporter uses Kathy - even knows how to sort him out if he takes a wrong turn or there are workmen about......

He thinks it is brilliant. ( he has had fun trying the different voices too )

Unfortunately, the only tomtom experience I have had is one go on the drums years ago, and my first Guinea Pig was called Tom Tom. :brows:

Fantastic bit of kit.Put any address in and off you go.Mind you i never have any idea of how i got there.

Really good in Towns and Cities.Good for finding Golf Courses as well.

TOM TOM is very popular over in Germany.
Thanks for the comments. Derek, as it is so efficient I was half expecting the Tom Tom to have been made in Germany but evidently it is a Dutch creation! :o

I'm only meant to "trial" it for one of my drivers, but at the moment, he's going to have to fight me for it! :blink:

I would have thought taxi drivers, horsebox drivers etc etc would all get them eventually, especially once the price comes down to something a little more affordable.

You can download updates off of the internet as well to make sure that the software is always 100% up to date. I am off to see my horse today and will be testing the Tom Tom to make sure it takes me the way I normally go! I am sure the novelty will wear off eventually but for now, it's great fun and really useful!
SORRY ME ARCHAIC..... :o Doubt I would spend mega bucks but essential to a lot of road users who find it difficult to get from A to B..............

Its the A A map for me (if going somewhere I have not been ) or my Microsoft AUTOROUTE if wanting to know the distance but I am well versed in knowing where to go as I spent years !!up the road!!
I have sent a few on here instructions on where/how to get to a certain places and if you need a route well just say and I'LL e mail it to you or just give me the two post codes and it will give you the route............. :o :D
Merlin, I have used the RAC, AA, Autoroute and all he other on line routefinders, but this, to me is 100 times better. I spend alot of time travelling (alone at times) and unless you have a photographic memory, you end up having to stop and ask directions etc. especially when you get into a City you may not be familiar with. I would love to try it in London and see if they have made allowances for one way streets etc! :nerd:

You can get European downloads too, so anyone planning a trip abroad, who likes gadgets, I would recommend one.
I once tried to go to Christchurch using the directions from one of the websites, and got lost in Westbourne !! ( just outside Bournemouth about 4 miles from my house for those of you who dont know my area at all..... )
Originally posted by trudij@Sep 19 2004, 10:27 PM
I once tried to go to Christchurch using the directions from one of the websites, and got lost in Westbourne !! ( just outside Bournemouth about 4 miles from my house for those of you who dont know my area at all..... )
Going to New Zealand you got lost near Bournemouth, shocking Trudi, shocking B)