Top 10 broadcasters

Unbelievable that Cattermole could appear in anyone's top ten for anything.

He's never said anything controversial in his life....... and stuck to it!

Anodyne nob.
Agree. hes the Richard Key's of racing....pointless and every utterance is made with one eye on his career and the other on keeping onside the racing fraternity
Apart from him I agree with that list pretty much
Where's Luke and Rishi?

And the Tom and Joe festival Radio team?
I can't have Cattermole in the top 10 either. He is inoffensive enough but anodyne is a good word for him.

McCririck will always have his fans but I am sick of him now. He is supposed to be a "betting expert" but clearly has no idea about the revolution (Betfair) that has occured over the last 10 years - so what is the point of him?

I used to find him mildly amusing but feel as if I have heard his "act" a million times now. He has become an embarrassing parady of himself and should retire.

I agree that Graham Cunningham is the best pundit. He has a wicked turn of phrase and his form analysis is always insightful.

I can't believe Nick Luck is omitted. My list would also contain Jonathan Neesom.
I used to find Chapman fine, but he is sucked into his own hyped about being OTT and in your face. His commentaries on the Arlington Million races summed him up nowadays as just being painful to listen to. Be funny and joke but at the same time get the info across….he used to do both.