
Isn't it a sort of Doctor Who spin-off for kiddywinkles? I can't get too enthused about stuff where all the actors are under 23.
You mean it contains raunchy sex scenes, swearing, violence, drug use, and scenes which may distress some viewers? Oh, I'll give it a go, then!
Is it on BBC2?????? Oh cool - thought I was going to miss out again as only have terrestrial. I LOOOOVVVEEEEE John Barrowman! Yes I know he is - but he's still luvverly! :P
Originally posted by krizon@Oct 23 2006, 03:07 PM
You mean it contains raunchy sex scenes, swearing, violence, drug use, and scenes which may distress some viewers....

...welcome to the world of TALKING HORSES :D
Originally posted by krizon@Oct 23 2006, 03:02 PM
Isn't it a sort of Doctor Who spin-off for kiddywinkles? I can't get too enthused about stuff where all the actors are under 23.
errr, no, watch the 2nd episode and I don't think many children will be watching it
Kathy - you're not far off! :D

I may grace it with my presence the next time it's on, though with so many overhyped new ventures on at the mo, it'll have to succeed by keeping me awake first!
Trud - yes sadly for us gals he is - but he's lovely if you ever get the chance to meet him. :)
I think it's very good. Who'd have thought that all that was going on in Cardiff? I'd like to get hold of that spray that the bloke was using - not that I need it for myself, you understand, I'd like to put it on the market.

By the way, did you know that Torchwood is an anagram of Doctor Who?
I hear they looked at 'Thoodcrow' but decided it'd be confused with a programme by Bill Oddie (or Boiled Lid as it will be next year).