Tracks you love to get a winner at on the jumps (not including Cheltenham).

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The track you love to get a winner at on the jumps (not including Cheltenham).

This thread was inspired by my insightful forethinking in backing two winners at Sedgefield last week. For years I had it down as a dog track. After selecting the first winner written-on-the-back-of-a-cigerette-box-styley I decided this track, albeit for lowly graded animals actually had something quite special about it. The second winner on the card only reafirmed my belief.:)

Name yours.
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Leopardstown; Favourite jumps track and love to have a winner there any day, but particularly Lexus Day. Love to watch Mullins and Walsh team up in the maiden hurdles. Great record!! Ruby holding a double handful turning in, popping the last and whoosh! Dunno how many times i've seen that now at this stage.

Probably my favourite flat track as well. Lovely galloping track with a lovely run-in off the bend, and good viewing for those in the grandstand. Unlike say, The Curragh, where binoculars are a necessity.
Nice post Hezz, you're teasing us there! Leopardstown is a lovely track, and would be my second choice, bar Sedgefield!:o

Ps, always prefered the Irish Champion Hurdle meeting myself, but each to their own.
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I think it's more about a race for me. Any of the big races give an extra satisfaction, as very few on here I imagine win money that is not lost or spent within a few weeks or months. With that in mind, the Guineas, Derby and Arc especially are top of the most satisfying races to have the winner in.
Aragorn & Hamm, this thread is about an idea that if you had to pick a winner, at one (or two if you prefer) tracks on the jumps bar Cheltenham, what tracks would they be?
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Epsom, when you've backed something on the basis of it liking the track, or because you suspect something else in the race might hate it. Plus, taking on the favourite in the Derby with something you know is a bit special, and winning, is about as good as it gets.
A winner's a winner so equally happy to have one wherever it may be. Favoured tracks, in the sense of courses I do well at, are what can loosely be termed gaffs. For example I show a long term profit at Perth, Hexham, Market Rasen, Fakenham and Ffos Las (NH)

The last named is rapidly becoming a favourite and very much hope it doesn't fall by the wayside during the welcome Great Leap Backwards the fixture list will shortly undergo

There was a time when eking out the winner of a big race or a lengthy succession of big races at a big meeting, Cheltenham for example, took precedence but the enjoyment of that jolly game soon palled once I dared glimpse the bottom line

In essence I'm a weekday punter who is happiest operating during those halcyon dark and wet months after the clocks return to GMT and midday really is at noon
Thanks GH. Things have become increasingly quiet in the other place and the posters of note have for the most part disappeared into the aether, so looking around elsewhere for some worthwhile craic

Time will tell:confused:
Talking NH, other than Cheltenham I tend to bet bigger at Newbury than anywhere else… so I quite like to get winners there.
Towcester & Wetherby. I've always enjoyed having a bet at Towcester & did particularly well the one time I visited. Wetherby because Its the place I frequent most often so is usually hard cash when I have a win:D
I like both Newbury and Ffos Las, two very similar tracks. Newbury because when you have a winner there they take you into the Royal Box for your glass of Winny. Then not being used to skullduggery,they tend to forget you,and you can stay there for a few races freeloading.
Ffos Las because when I had my first winner there on the day the track opened,they interviewed me and asked me on the TV for my thoughts. I said winning the race on the opening day was good ,but breaking the track record was better. Really ,well done,the interviewer said