Tramore 2:25

Virtually every jockey in the race was guilty, including Andy Mac if I recall, though I havn't seen the replay..

What a shambles..
RP Analysis

"MR AUSSIE will go down as the sixth length winner from Doc Charlie, with a further 28 lengths back to Alberoni in third, but any analysis of this race was made defunkt by what happened with a circuit to race, when several of the riders rode afinish a circuit early and every other rider in the race pulled up after passing the post, thinking the race was over or wondering whether it was. It was only quite quick thinking by the riders of the first two staying out on the track that prevented therace being voided, rather than the utter calamity which it turned out to be. Take your pick which was preferable."
I was there -I actually backed the "original" winner each way at 14s.My opinion at the time was the problem was caused by Jerry Hannon calling 2 to jump when they had another circuit to run but someone who was watching at home reckons Shay Barry riding a finish half a mile from home caused the confusion.
After the race I burst into the media box to tell Jerry Hannon what I thought of him -I got into the box and realized I didn't know what Jerry Hannon looked like.
The 7 day suspensions are a joke -anyone involved should be sitting out the month of January.
The amount of ordinary punters who knew what had happened was unbelieveable.
Originally posted by LUKE@Dec 31 2007, 10:19 PM
After the race I burst into the media box to tell Jerry Hannon what I thought of him -I got into the box and realized I didn't know what Jerry Hannon looked like.
Jaysus Luke, how did you get past the infamous Tramore security officers? :D

Seriously though, I would have to agree that it was Shay Barry who started the whole debacle by riding the 'finish' out of the back straight.. Hannon, like the other jocks, got confused and lost the run of himself, which certainly didn't help matters..

5 day suspensions to be expected from the Irish stewards.. pathetic..
Shamelessly quoting Icebreaker on FF here, his comments are just too good not to share - he was watching on ATR:

<< Too funny for words. A stonking great scene was the jocks having a chit-chat after they pulled up ........... you could see the penny dropping with some of them as they realised there was another lap to go.

"Jaysus lads, I think we finished early .......
No, Davy has won the race .............
I dunno, it seems a short two mile-five to me .........
Christ, maybe you're right ............."

Then they blast off again led by the redoubtable Andrew Mac. LOL.

Here's the thing though ............ the "Sharp Minds" in-running players got burned again.
Boher Storm was backed at 1.01 when "winning" the first time around!

Oh, and when the jockey (Davy Condon) on Boher Storm crossed the "winning line" a lap early and celebrated, the chap in the ATR booth came out with what I think will be a classic one-liner in years to come:

"Premature jock-elation" >>

:clap: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

It makes me think he's had that one up his sleeve for some time.

A bit like when the Sun were waiting to unleash "Super Ally goes ballistic Celtic are atrocious". It's just that opportunity never presented itself as McCoist never produced the goods in sufficient quantity to justify the headline. They sat on it for 5 years, until Inverness Calendonian Thistle knocked 'Tic out the cup. swap Ally with Cally, and bingo!!!

It amuses me that we're always being told that jockeys have clocks in their head, can judge the pace of a race etc, I've always suspected this is a bit over-stated anyway, but surely just the routine of going round in terms of your body clock should tell you when you've run close to 21F