Translation Required


Jul 19, 2006
North Herts
Just what is this job all about?

We are seeking an exceptional Operational Delivery Manager to manage the service delivered by Internal Service Providers (infrastructure, applications and datacentre) to our external-facing Service management community, for one of our largest managed service customers. The individual will be responsible for ensuring that contractual service-targets are achieved, that any short-falls in service has an action-plan created and ensure this is followed to completion. The successful individual will work with the end-customer-facing Service Community and the relevant ISPs to develop and implement a Continual Improvement Plan of service excellence.
"end-customer-facing" - probably slightly better than facing the customers' ends, but total Bollockspeak all the same. Over-inflated, obtuse riddles to make a plain old job sound vastly more important than it is. You wouldn't bother sending in an application to the twonks who thought this advert was to be taken seriously, would you?
Looks like the bollox they come up with in large American multinationals.
The 'successful' applicant will be the go to guy for the companies customer facing staff who are having problems with the contractors not providing the service they signed up to provide.