Trouble At Uplands?


At the Start
Apr 11, 2006
The Ridgeway
Heard a rumour this morning that Fitri and Jim Hay landlords of Uplands where Stan Moore trains have had some kind of falling out with him. Either he has been sacked or they have taken a load of horses away, gossip not very clear.

Would be a shame, all looked to be going great guns and they have just spent silly money on a team of horses.

Stan is out in Dubai with some of them now.

Anyone heard anything about this one?
That would be really dreadful news. I'll make enquiries, I'm off to Lambourn later today, may get in direct touch with Sara...

They've always got on tremendously well in personal terms with the Hays as well as in racing terms, it would be very shocking and surprising, but of course there is now a big team of business managers telling Stan what to do in some respects......

The Hays wouldn't 'take their horses', where would they take them?? They own the place!
Don't you think that given the rich tradition of National Hunt at Uplands it would have been nicer if a jumps trainer had set up there?
wouldn´t surprise me the slightest. have been counting the days until something like this will happen. no results in Dubai and grand ambitions..... Have no inside informations but we all have seen that kind of thing happen before ..... haven´t we?
HS, thanks for any info. I hope it is not true either, but heard this from someone in Dubai so maybe there is something to it. Let us know...... and hope for Stan's sake it is just jealous gossip.

I'm not sure what the setup is at Uplands, hence the comment that it might be Hay has taken away some horses, meaning Stan rents the place, as many trainers do, but this does not mean that the landlord cannot send their horses to someone else, anywhere - even in Dubai.

Crazyhorse is right, these kind of things are always happening when people spend lots of money and get few results in the short term. Depends upon patience and we all know about that! (It is a virtue!)

see what happens next .....
Originally posted by crazyhorse@Feb 7 2008, 01:06 PM
wouldn´t surprise me the slightest. have been counting the days until something like this will happen. no results in Dubai and grand ambitions..... Have no inside informations but we all have seen that kind of thing happen before ..... haven´t we?
Cat, Stan was top British trainer in Dubai last Carnival on winnings - they had a few winners and several placed horses. I am sure results are not the problem, if this rumour is true, tho it's true they have not been so spectacular in the last year as as they were in the first season at Uplands. Can we please try not to speculate too far until I find out what's going on. These are close friends of mine.

useful, we all love the traditions of racing and I know first-hand the Winter family felt as you did, but let's face it few NH trainers have the money to take on a yard like that with it's own private gallops, pool, indoor and outdoor school etc. Stan always tries to keep a few jumpers as much for tradition as for fun - he was a jump jockey after all
Stan is salaried trainer at Uplands, they live in the house at the gate, which has been re-built for them to make it bigger. The Hays use the main house when they come over form Dubai. There would be no question of the Hay horses moving - there are now a lot in the yard - at least 20 and possibly 30. The Hays have a very big staff there, all employed by them and not by Stan.
Thanks HS, I do not normally pass on or speculate about gossip as dislike the harm it can do to people. And generally I find it to be a lot of rubbish! Hope this is untrue too.
Still waiting to hear back, but they are busy with a runner Impeller in the 6.30 tonight at Nad Al Sheba, not sure if they are both out there!

It's poss a couple of the horses will stay in Dubai as they love it there and sulked horribly when taken home last year, so may go to a trainer there... maybe it's that? I'm just trying to think what this could be about! Nonplussed tbh.

Jim Hay had cheapo horses with Stan for years before Barathea Dreams won the Esher Cup, his first ever winner! - he's not one of those rookies like McKay who expects them all to win every week. He's been more than happy so far with results - and knows that by taking on so many better class horses it's a long term haul. Uplands Bloodstock is a joint venture by the two of them - Jim and Stan - with breeding in mind. Jim has invested hugely in the place, which was pretty good before. They are very ambitious for it and know it's going to take time to build up.
Well I'm very sorry to report that there is some truth in this story.

I'm assured there has been no falling out but that the horses [not sure if all of them or just some] are "going to other trainers". I don't know any more than that yet, S & S no doubt busy with whatever is going on... I hope I'll see them this w/e as one if not both should be back from Dubai. But I don't want to push in asking for details at what must be a bit of a difficult time for everyone.

In fact I may be wrong that Stan is salaried at Uplands, maybe he is renting... and he is very shrewd so no doubt protected himself in case something like this happened. I have to say I'm extremely saddened and surprised by this development, though thinking back it was odd the Hays didn't come over for Xmas, and the Moores did pay for the last Open Day in Nov as well as the Xmas party. So maybe cracks were showing already.
I like being right - but not when it is over bad news.

Sorry to hear that it is true. Hope things will be okay for Stan and Sara. And for the horses.

I guess we will hear in due course from the press what is happening with Uplands.
It particularly saddens me because Stan and Sara as trainers have always got horses to perform above what would seem to be their capabilities - sometimes well above - and they both work their cotton socks off.

I would have love to have seen what they could do with the ex-Coolmore horses. I know everyone was very happy with Lizard Island's first run in Dubai. The whole thing really is a bit of a mystery.
Don't know much about Stan Moore or his set up, but would be interested to know how much they paid for Lizard Island. They certainly paid a crazy price for Yellowstone IMO...
Stan has never believed in overpaying for horses, quite the reverse. Buying horses is what he's always been best at above all. It may be the purchase of these horses which is at the root of any parting, who knows? I would be amazed if Stan had advised that he could get improvement out of them, over AOB.

It may be the problem, that he's recently become no longer responsible for these decisions. If that's the case then I know who probably is... It must be very difficult for a trainer who has always ploughed his own furrow suddenly to have a lot of money men and managers breathing down his neck. But given the Moores are presumably still in the yard, I doubt they will want to say very much in public. Or even in private! And I'm going to try to stop thinking about it too for now :what:
Stan Moore gave an in depth interview with Richard Hoiles on Sky Sports yesterday afternoon about the split, anyone with Sky plus should be able to see it.

I've never forgiven him for doing 10 stones on Neblin and beating Mrs Muck in the Schweppes cry
I don't have Sky plus, can you tell me what he said?
tho maybe they'll have it down at Eastbury, will be there later
A CONTROVERSIAL chapter was added to the colourful history of Lambourn's most famous racing stables on Thursday with a shock split between trainer Stan Moore and his wealthy Dubai-based business partner Jim Hay.

Hay has spent large sums in recent months in expanding facilities at Uplands and buying former Aidan O'Brien-trained Group winners.

Moore has trained for seven years for Hay and his wife Fitri, and their partnership became closer two seasons ago when Hay purchased the yard originally put on the map by Fred Winter, the former champion jockey, and subsequently a base for Charlie Brooks, Simon Sherwood and Lavinia Taylor.

Issues between Moore and Hay are believed to have come to a head on Wednesday night in Dubai, where Moore is supervising nine horses owned by Mrs Hay.

They include Yellowstone, O'Brien's Gordon Stakes winner bought for 502,000gns, and Lizard Island, winner of the Railway Stakes, who was acquired in a private deal. Within the next few days Hay's Dubai team will be transferred to local trainer Tony Manuel.

Moore told the Racing Post on Thursday: “This has come as a big shock to me, and though it's a big loss personally, I'll definitely continue to train because I've around 30 horses, including some very nice two-year-olds, for other owners.”
He added: “We've had our parting due to various matters that can be put down to misunderstandings more than any other factor, which is sad. We've had a lot of success and good times together, but splits happen in racing and now I must press on elsewhere. Thankfully, there has been no nastiness in any of this, and I'd like to wish Jim and Fitri all the best in the future.

“We've still various business matters to sort out back in Britain because Uplands Racing is a joint venture between myself and Jim's company, Uplands Acquisitions. I will be moving from the yard at some stage, but I'm not certain of the exact timings.”

Moore trained winners for the Hays at the Dubai Carnival in 2006 and 2007 with Azarole and Impeller. He had a couple of horses placed last month at the first carnival meeting, but experienced a disappointing time a week ago when his four runners were well beaten.

Manuel confirmed on Thursday that he would take over the Hays' Dubai team.

“The owners already have horses inmy yard and I'm delighted to help them,” he said.

“There are some nice horses among them and I'm looking forward to training them.”

Hay's main company is Fosroc, which supplies specialist chemicals and products to the construction industry, and played a role in the construction of Ascot's grandstand, as well as the Millennium and Wembley stadiums.

Since buying Uplands from Lavinia Taylor, he has invested heavily in expanding the yard and upgrading facilities, including gallops, on the 250- acre private estate.
Stan has said (in the RP) that he will be moving out of the yard. So there's clearly been some upset of some type.
Courtesy of The Racing Post:

Jane Chapple-Hyam appointed to fill vacancy at Uplands
by Neil Morrice

JANE CHAPPLE-HYAM is tobecome the latest addition to the training ranks in Lambourn after being appointed to the vacant position at Uplands Stables.

The future of one of the most historic yards in the village has been uncertain since owner Jim Hay and Stan Moore ended theirpartnership last month.

Chapple-Hyam, who gained her biggest training success with Mudawin in the Ebor two years ago, will initially take charge of the five horses Hay has been racing in Dubai out of her Newmarket base, and then move her operation to Upper Lambourn, where she and Moore may train side by side for a period.

Chapple-Hyam, who this week denied she was in the frame to move to Uplands, said yesterday: “I'm thrilled to have the opportunity to train for the JMH Group .
“I'm in the process of speaking to my owners, but so far their response has been extremely positive. This is a great opportunity, not only for myself but for my owners and the staff coming with me.”

The JMH Group is to retain 25 per cent of the horses under Moore's care, while Tom Tate in Yorkshire and Paul Cole at Whatcombe are to be sent Hay's recent US acquisitions.

Speaking from Dubai, Hay said: “We interviewed a number of candidates and Jane was outstanding. Her goals and objectives exactly match ours, in attracting good-quality horses to compete in high-class races. She lives and breathes horses, and we're thrilled she is joining us.

“The partnership with Stan Moore runs until August 19 and there may be a transitional period before that date, with two trainers on site at Uplands.”
Originally posted by Kathy@Mar 7 2008, 07:47 PM
“The partnership with Stan Moore runs until August 19 and there may be a transitional period before that date, with two trainers on site at Uplands.”
This sounds like a recipe for disaster.

They should pay off Moore and get Chapple-Hyam in on her own, starting with a clean slate.
I saw the Moores last weekend in East Garston and did hear a bit more about this; but I can't say very much - and neither did they! Stan and Sara are anxious to move out as soon as they find a new base; but they want to stay in the immediate area if possible. They have already looked at a couple of places, but nothing's been decided yet - they have to get it right.

It's not a matter of 'paying the Moores off' - they were business partners in the Uplands venture and are contractually permitted to stay there while things are sorted out between the partners - and the Hays have agreed they have plenty of time to do so, ie until August.

There are several sections of the yard and I imagine if JCH does move in before the Moores are able to move out, then they would not be training the same horses - JCH would be training the Hay's horses and Stan and Sara theirs. There would be no question of training 'in tandem', just of sharing facilities and to some extent staff I guess.

I think everyone wants to sort this all out quickly with the minimum of bad feeling, but with over 30 horses in training for other owners, and the matter of which staff might want to stay at Uplands or to go with Stan, there is lot to extricate.