Tweeted yet?


At the Start
Aug 20, 2006
Mostly London
Well, do you know how to tweet?
As far as I can tell, journalists & celebs know how to; we're often hearing or reading about messages on twitter as though it's a given that we'll be interested.

I confess I've never tweeted and the only twitter I really know about comes from birds ....
I joined Twitter a while back to see what the fuss was all about, and was enthralled for all of 4 seconds.

It's a lot of utter shite.
While I can get the value of Facebook (within limits) and various 'proper' blogging sites I really, really don't 'get' Twitter.

I couldn't give a 4x if so and so is standing outside Starbucks, or about to have a meeting with God or whatever the latest inane one liner Tweet happens to be.

One of my now (happily) ex employees gave the game away with Twitter and her numerous daily visits to US AA meetings - which obviously weren't working as she's still drinking ....and which patently howed she wasn't where she said she was....

Definitely a case of being a Twit if you use it.
Missing the point slightly. I get updates from Attheraces,, and a few others. Very usefull if you are using a mobile to access information from the web.
I'm obssesed with it lately. I do enjoy switching on my phone in the morning and having all the headlines on my account ready to browse through. Some of the "cleb" acounts are as annoying as fuck. Graeme McDowell typing "Cmoooooooooooooooooooooon" when Man Utd scoe is about as exciting as interesting as the British bowls sectional playoffs.
I'm obssesed with it lately. I do enjoy switching on my phone in the morning and having all the headlines on my account ready to browse through. Some of the "cleb" acounts are as annoying as fuck. Graeme McDowell typing "Cmoooooooooooooooooooooon" when Man Utd scoe is about as exciting as interesting as the British bowls sectional playoffs.

Any good for racing??
There are quite a lot of people who don't really understand what Twitter is about, from my experience and put it down as basically Facebook statuses minus everything else and that's simply not the case. I have some 2,300 tweets to my name and have very, very rarely mentioned what I'm doing at that time. People seem to think it's just updates of what people are up to 'eating soup and roll' 'having a tom tit' etc. Not the case. I use it for following people I'm interesting in, to see what's happening in the world of football, racing, cricket and a lot of news is broken on Twitter. If anything I find more news on Twitter than from any newspaper website. There are also plenty of absolutely hilarious people to follow on Twitter, some of the tweets are just brilliant.

I also find the Twitter crowd seemingly more intellingent than a lot of the Facebook yokels. I am actually beginning to use it more than Facebook thesedays.
Think of it as like all the forums you are interested in delivered personally to you in real-time but with all the shit you don't want to read filtered out.
Absolutely - I assumed the same about it - but as DJ says you follow who you want to follow so it cuts out loads of the crap. Handy for racing news amongst everything else.

There are quite a lot of people who don't really understand what Twitter is about, from my experience and put it down as basically Facebook statuses minus everything else and that's simply not the case. I have some 2,300 tweets to my name and have very, very rarely mentioned what I'm doing at that time. People seem to think it's just updates of what people are up to 'eating soup and roll' 'having a tom tit' etc. Not the case. I use it for following people I'm interesting in, to see what's happening in the world of football, racing, cricket and a lot of news is broken on Twitter. If anything I find more news on Twitter than from any newspaper website. There are also plenty of absolutely hilarious people to follow on Twitter, some of the tweets are just brilliant.

I also find the Twitter crowd seemingly more intellingent than a lot of the Facebook yokels. I am actually beginning to use it more than Facebook thesedays.
Only trouble following attheraces, and similar, is the amount of tweets they throw at you! I joined recently but its not the be all end all but I suppose it depends who you are following. Good thing is though that if you are interested in someone and want to follow what they are doing it comes in handy cos no doubt they will be a tweeter.