
Senior Jockey
May 5, 2011
My daughter got a score of 791 today in her UCAT application top 9% in the country,doing her 'A' levels and voluntary work in oncology at local hospital have already said to her please don't go into the private health care consultancy,she's too nice to do something like that anyway just wanted to make sure!:thumbsup:
Sounds like the world is her oyster but has she mastered picking overpriced basement grade all-weather yokes yet?
She picked out my double today..:rolleyes: no ones interested in racing in ours,infact if i have a massive win they just shrug their shoulders and ignore me,can't blame them they think i'm nuts,did you ever watch ''Game on'' well all my family and my partners friends refer to me as the character matthew from that.
Good on her, Gigs. I found A-Levels very hard when I tried them years ago. I managed to do the Access to Higher Education course the following year and that got me onto a 2:1 degree in Journalism.

Well done.
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My partner has a degree in maths and archaeology and she's no help whstsiver to my daughter,i knew she was quite bright from when se was abiut tree as we used to di memory tests with her but at the momet she seems to be cruising through everything although to be fair she never goes out has no boyfriend,i tell her to go out but she never seems interested..