Uk Security Levels

uncle goober

At the Start
Oct 10, 2005
A Los Angeles journalist has reported back to the states as the terror threat increases at our airports

" The British have raised their security levels from 'miffed' to 'peeved'. Soon though, this level may have to be raised to 'irritated' or even ' a bit cross'. Londoners have not been 'a bit cross' since the blitz, when tea supplies nearly ran out.
" Terrorists have been re-categorised from 'tiresome' to 'a bloody nuisance'. The last time 'a bloody nuisance' warning level was used was during the Great Fire of London in 1666"
Interestingly enough I was in the Gib Customs office this morning & they have a picture on the wall entitled "How to spot a terrorist at an airport" - the picture is of a camel lying down in a parking space outside an airport alongside a load of parked cars. Can't imagine a Customs Office would get away with displaying a picture like that in a public area in too many places in the world....
Saw that a few weeks ago and told them that it could easily offend - they obviously disagree. It is one thing to be non-PC and funny, another thing entirely to be un-funny and offensive whilst in a postion of authority.
You mean like the imams, cricketfan, calling for the deaths of all Western infidels everywhere? Yeah, I never quite got post-Modernist satire, either.
Originally posted by krizon@Sep 5 2006, 06:28 PM
You mean like the imams, cricketfan, calling for the deaths of all Western infidels everywhere? Yeah, I never quite got post-Modernist satire, either.
The thing is, Krizon, that I understand a bit about western culture, and I don't particularly understand extreme religious zealots and war-mongers. Why anyone would call for a race to be wiped out is beyond me. Equally how someone could find a joke that makes the suggestion that every member of a religion or race is responsible for the actions of the few funny is also beyond my grasp.
We used to have the Far Side cartoon of the horse hospital up in reception when I was at teh vets - it never occured to my boss that it could upset people.... :brows: :rolleyes:

so we moved it into the store cupboard :)
I do see your point and of course I agree with you, cricketfan, although people have always taken the mickey out of those who they feel have been their aggressors. The camel 'joke' is an oversimplification and obviously tars all Arabs with the same brush, but propagandist cartoons aren't known for their subtlety!
I just found it bizarre that the cartoon was on public display in a Government building, Kri! Where else would they get away with that?!
Knowing how the septic tanks still love their French jokes, I wasn't surprised to read in the airport paperback that I bought when I was travelling home from there a couple of months ago what the the wife of the American detective told him in an attempt to cheer him up.

She said that that while she was overseas France raised its terror alert based on covert information received. They went from "Run" to "Hide" -- the only 2 higher levels being "Capitulate" and "Collaborate."
Hardly a country which should take the moral high ground about rushing to the side of its allies - what would the scenario have been if the Rising Sun hadn't bombed seven shades of shite out of Pearl Harbour, I wonder? "Oh, just keep sending the Briddish the chocolate and the nylons - the Germans will be there soon enough to take over."

Perhaps the septics have never heard of the French Resistance? Probably think it's a fancy style of aerobics work-out, the thickos.