UKIP and the female vote


At the Start
Jun 6, 2005
As young mothers descend on Claridges, can UKIP seriously hope to attract female voters. Is UKIP nothing more than the political manifestation of a lads mag
I think its worse than that tbh

This Kerry Smith story just about sums the party up.

He gets caught using..what is probably an everyday conversation piece in he is caught bang to rights..but what does he do to show what the party thinks of the electorate?..he spins a story to blame it on taking have to be seriously stupid to spin that..and think that people hearing it are also extremely stupid to believe it.

What did he do?....go in Boots and ask for some homophobic tablets?..oh yes sir,,you can have you don't need to pay for them if you are in UKIP

defies belief how daft they think the masses are..then again..some will believe it ..scarey really

Has anyone yet spotted a Ukipper they would vote for?..there are some very creepy people in this party
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As we get closer to the election, there will be a lot more stories like this - they will be subject to a lot of scrutiny as they are being taken seriously for the first time and there will be a concerted "smear" campaign - not really a smear as it will no doubt be true, but I can't be arsed thinking up another term as I am heavily medicated today :)

i don't like smear campaigns either..but i do like people being exposed for what they are..and imo there are some unsavoury people getting very close to politicianing who would have been dismissed as unelectable 20 years we seem to live in a country where you can brainwash a decent % of the people to vote for what are not very nice people...just using one card..the immigration one..that is wearing very thin if you have bugger all else to offer..which they clearly haven't..apart from good old Nige..who is very good at what he does..conning people..the rest are a set of scarey f00kers imo.

i hope over the next few months they get exposed for what they are

to be fair..what he got caught saying..if he just said..well i am a bit would still have been bad..but to make that story up..its the story that is the insult..been better just owning up..either way..does anyone really want someone like that politicianing? htf anyone can vote ukip is beyond me..totally
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As we get closer to the election, there will be a lot more stories like this - they will be subject to a lot of scrutiny as they are being taken seriously for the first time and there will be a concerted "smear" campaign - not really a smear as it will no doubt be true, but I can't be arsed thinking up another term as I am heavily medicated today :)
