

At the Start
May 3, 2003
Reading the forum there are some very obvious logins such as BrianH and Phil Waters, but where do some of the more obscure come from?

Mine comes as a result of setting an email account up 5 years ago. Paul had already got one as cathsbruv (cath being our sister) so I decided to try cathsbruv2 (taken) paulsbruv (taken) so decided to be the other brother or ovverbruv.

The rest as they say is history
I use a few of them. Irish Stamp being the first horse i saw or one of them when I went up to see Ferdy Murphy's yard when in about 1998.
Just as I was registering, a traffic update was being broadcast on Radio Two and they were passing on information rung in by a trucker calling himself Diamond Geezer.
I was Monty when we were C4 after Montjeu who is a horse close to my heart amd wallet. When this site first set up I was Wayward Lad my allt ime favourite horse but when reconstruction took place I couldn't register my old nane for some reason.
I chose Tout Seul as I had backed the horse at 33/1 to win the Guineas as the last leg of a Super Yankee including Best Mate 4/1,Moscow Flyer 9/2,Azertyuiop 10/1 and Rooster Booster 8/1
On the Ch.4 site I was just Jon, not knowing you could choose usernames. I got fed up with the woofter references when I mentioned some things, so thought I'd use the name of the barmpot Arabian I had in Saudi. Under the circumstances of THAT forum, a mostly uncontrollable, if not certifiable, animal seemed quite appropriate! It is, in fact, an American family name, not Arabic, and I don't know if it's 'Krizzon' or 'cry-zon'. Wha'evvah... :confused:
I posted under the name of NED (one of a few nicknames I had others being RICKY, J-R.) on CH4 website............... but like a few others on here when we were supposed to re sign up, the names were already taken so more out of frustration I put MERLIN the MAGICIAN as a piss take! I suppose :P and yes you now know it, it accepted it that's how my username as stuck with me.............................
I used to do my illegal bookie in the pub and called myself Honest Tom the bookie. I thought about calling myself Dishonest Tom the bookie but then people would've said "at least he's honest".
Surprisingly, mine is an abbreviation of my surname, used by a couple of friends when addressing me and, more disturbingly, one woman whilst I was, erm, active with her. Fair put me off my stroke.
on the final furlong i'm keith which is my name
but on here i am gunner because of my love
for arsenal football club :shy:
Originally posted by an capall@Oct 12 2006, 08:52 AM
I chose An Capall because of some coinciding physical attributes.
But I been NED a lot longer than youv'e been A-C....? and no I have not got big ears or big teeth either.......... but am!!!!!!!!!!! :P :D
Garnie Bougoure was one of the australian stable jockeys for Paddy Prendergast back in the day. Through a long story it ended up as my nickname since I was 10.
When I came down here to work one of the lads gave me the nickname Arkwright because of my accent (although I don't have a stutter).
Those who know me will argue that I have other traits in keeping with the miserly shopkeeper.