Validating Members


At the Start
May 2, 2003
No, nothing to do with getting the tape measure out for our male posters.

Why are some new members coming up in the member list as "validating"?
Does this stop them from posting?

In a rush of uncharacteristic cordiality, I tried to PM a welcome message to Eire, who I see hovering, only to be told that I couldn't because He/She does not have access to PMs.
Eire is trying desperately to post but the items are coming through as referred to me, as a moderator. I have no way in getting them on to the forum - I will contact Col.
They have not been referred to me . If a poster is on Moderator Control then you can approve or disapprove of their postings .
It doesn't seem to be moderator control as I received six or more emails for each of the referred postings and there was no facility to approve them.
validating means they haven't completed the sign up process - usually following the instructions in the email sent to them

no one validating now - just manually approved them all :)