Vicky Haigh

The 'Labour MP John Hemming' mentioned in the original article is actually the Lib Dem MP John Hemming, who was the one who used parliamentary privilege to name Ryan Giggs as the footballer who had taken out a super-injunction to prevent details of his private life being published.

His blog - - has a slightly bizarre post today where he basically claims he won't be making a public statement, but still casts various aspersions on the judge.

It's all very, very strange and utterly awful.
Despicable woman.
Is there any possibility of her being prosecuted over her false accusations against Mr Tune?
About a year ago I recall her being interviewed on RUK on the occasion of her landing the media PR job with Victor Chandler. It made truly cringeworthy viewing. She was asked a couple of "safe" questions along the lines of "what horse do you fancy in the next?". She couldn't construct a single syllable in reply, and had to be rescued by the Chandler "old-hand" Neal Wilkins -- whose supreme professionalism couldn't even swerve the palpable embarassment all round.
I don't think she ever represented VCBet again ( on live TV anyway).
I remember there being a fair bit of bother between her and the Jockey Club a while back, a friend of mine worked in licensing and never had a good word to say about the woman. Can't remember what it was about now but it would have been 8/9 years ago, she seems the sort of person that trouble follows around
There's a pretty strong outburst against her in the comments bit within the link, so doesn't look as if she is a likeable type. God knows there are enough spiteful parents who try to turn their children against their spouses when they're splitting up, but this has to be barrel-scrapingly low. I hope the kiddie comes out of it none the worse, but the sad thing is that her relationship with her mother is probably irrevocably damaged. How could she ever, later in life, trust her?
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This thread is good enough for me ...

... I don't need to read the news articles, so remain ever-so-undisgusted, Tunbridge Springs.

Great postings here. :)
The offence of criminal libel - of which she would be clearly guilty has been abolished. Attempting to pervert the course of justice possibly .