Wales Beat England

Merlin the Magician

At the Start
May 2, 2003
:o :o I had a shock of my life yesterday evening I see they have removed the hollowed turf from the Millennium stadium after only one game on it.. and are selling it to souvenir collectors because it was used just once and you know the result of the match ? :D are people really that gullible???

really makes me crinch to see what some people do in sport............ unless of course the proceeds go to say a local charity? like MARIE CURRIE...............
The money made from the sale of the damaged turf, is going to help one of the players (BRENT COCKBAIN) son which i believe is suffering from some sort of a cancer.


Merlin, you must be the only Welshman who doesn't know about the problems with the Millennium Stadium turf. They aren't taking up the turf to sell it - they are selling it because it had to be taken up. Both teams complained about the quality of the ground after Saturday's game - many areas of he turf tore during the international. With Wales due to play a soccer international against Hungary there tomorrow and the Carling Cup final scheduled for 27th February the management of the stadium has acted quickly:

· The pitch contractors, In-Turf, have been suspended

· A new team of pitch consultants have been brought in to work under the guidance of Dave Saltman, who spent four months at the stadium last year

· 200 – 250 metres of new turf will arrive at the stadium on Tuesday morning to replace the damaged areas

· The stadium's general manager Paul Sergeant has spoken to the FAW and Football League to keep them abreast of developments and liaised with the Sports Turf Research Institute over the difficulties.

So, you see, the grass had to be replaced - some bright spark in the marketing depatrtment had the idea of selling chunks rather than throwing it away. And, if there are willing buyers, why not?
ho sorry may I convey my apologies I was not aware of the monies going towards his lad, but yes Brian I actually seen it for myself(the turf) while watching the game and the comments made about it.....

I have not seen a paper since Saturday morning and only caught the end of the local news programme yesterday evening which prompted my post today...

I have been as busy as the proverbial bee so I am a bit behind the times so to speak, its all work and no play?....... :rolleyes: