Water Jumps


At the Start
Jan 7, 2008
I decided to start a new thread on this rather than clutter up the RIP section which is a dis-service to those horses that have given us so much pleasure over the years. Let the debate rumble on here.

For what it is worth, a comment was made earlier re jocks wanting to keep water jumps, I'm not surprised. They are concerned about their livelihoods and I can guarantee you that if there was a call for the number of fences in a two mile chase to be reduced from eight to six they would back that too. Jockeys are smart enough to know what is safe for THEM. Can anyone provide any evidence from a stable re injuries at water jumps so at least we can figure out if putting a plain fence in will be more detrimental or not.
Perhaps a 'jumps' card could be made up of six N.H. Flat Races.

Would the jockeys feels safe then?

Nobody has forced them into the game, it's a 'profession' they have chosen.
Every professional in a dangerous line of activity will always try to reduce the risk of injury or death. Whether is is a jockey or a steeple jack. If you can get paid the same and reduce the risk.....why not argue for it?
Colin, I think the point Cantoris is making is that the jockeys want to keep water jumps, not get rid of them. They feel they are safer than plain fences.

Fwiw, I tend to agree with them. Still I've done this till I'm blue in the face now and I keep forgetting that my opinion is worth shite since I only ride and school 'em, and I'm under the age of 40.
"........and I can guarantee you that if there was a call for the number of fences in a two mile chase to be reduced from eight to six they would back that too."

Shads, this is the bit of Cantoris' post that my post was aimed at.
I realised that, which is why I wasn't sure whether you realised he was saying the jocks are wanting to keep water jumps. Taking that quote into consideration would make you think that jocks would want to get rid of water jumps although the opposite is true.

I'm nearly confusing myself, now!
Originally posted by Shadow Leader@Mar 28 2008, 07:27 PM
I only ride and school 'em, and I'm under the age of 40.
Yeah, we know, it's because of this that you treat people who haven't sat on a horse as being unable to understand riding issues. Have a bit of humility and I'll gladly stay in my box.
That's got to go down as one of the daftest posts (even for you Tetley) that I have ever read on here.

You really do have issues, don't you? You only ever seem to stick your head over the parapet in order to have a pop at me on horse (usually riding) issues. Get over it.

(of course I could always give you riding lessons if that is what you would prefer?! :P )
Been well documented this week Jonjo is against them following the loss of his horse at Ludlow and one of NTD's two or three weeks ago.

Reason quoted is ""Water jumps are trap fences. A horse approaches the fence thinking that it's only a little jump but then sees the water and suddenly changes its mind and puts in extra effort by stretching, and I think that's why they break their backs."

Never sat on a horse in my life, can those that have give an opinion. You would have to think Jonjo has ridden enough horses to know.
Yes found it now, sorry only read the "last" page of departures every week or so and missed the relevant page.
Now here's a radical thought - since supposedly all (if not all, at least the only ones of whom their opinion counts for something) of the experienced, knowledgable, Godlike NH trainers are desperate to see water jumps abolished since they are such deathtraps - any reason why they haven't boycotted running any of their horses in chases at tracks with water jumps? If they feel as strongly as they supposedly do that water jumps are the devil incarnate, if they were to boycott all chases containing water jumps would not their message be brought across loud and clear? Not least since, according to some forumites on here at least, any respected and/or knowledgeable trainer is vociferously against water jumps, there would be virtually no runners in any steeplechase held at any track containing a water jump in the country.

So, no more runners at Newbury, Cheltenham, Huntingdon, Aintree, Sandown, Wincanton, Exeter, Haydock, Stratford, Ludlow and more for Messrs Nicholls and O'Neill, amongst others, then?! After all, if one felt so strongly about it, would one run a Gold Cup calibre horse over a water jump knowing it's a [in the immortal words of Lynn Faulds-Wood] potential death trap, God forbid?!
Yes, love it, the Gold Cup will be at Chepstow, and the King George and Hennessey :clap: