Weather Lore


At the Start
Dec 21, 2005
Judging by the weather today then spring is just around the corner

The Second of February

There's only the day the whole long year,
That I hope and pray the sun won't appear.
The second of February, you all know,
The groundhog goes searching for his shadow.
If he should find it, the story is told,
We'll have six more weeks of winter's cold.
But if it is cloudy, his shadow's not there,
There'll soon be warm weather and days will be fair.
So please, Mr. Sun, for just this one day.
Find a big dark cloud - and stay away!
Had some sunshine earlier, mind you down yer they says if you can see Trevose Head it will rain tomorrow and if you can't see Trevose Head tis raining already my 'ansome.
I don't know about anywhere else but it suddenly got freezing here at about 10am shortly and the water supply froze.

All in all an entertaining day - one of my landlords horses ran into an electricity pole causing sparks to fly out and a massive power cut (the horse was fine BTW). So my neighbours turned up one by one after a warm place to sit and cups oftea. My house had electrics until the repair men came out to sort the other out and promptly cut off my supply as well just as I was writing a very long e-mail. :angry: