What´s The Point?


At the Start
Jul 22, 2003
"I am a great believer in keeping horses mentally happy and consequently am trying something new tomorrow. I'm not sure how my staff will like it but anyway I have decided to have all the horses in the string (except SIR GERRY, SPACIOUS, ZIDANE and BUSTER HYVONEN who I ride) ridden bareback. We are going out early tomorrow so hopefully we wont meet up with many other teams so it shouldn't cause too many problems. I am sending out all my yard staff just in case there are any loose ones. This is not going to be a permanent fixture but if it works it is something we may consider doing a couple of times a month. It will be interesting to see if this idea catches on."

I´d like to see that tomorrow.
It's April 1st tomorrow. Someone's taking the p*ss in a massive way - either Fanshawe or whoever published the article!

The horses don't give a rat's arse whether they have saddles on or not so it wouldn't keep them happy. It would damage their backs to have people bumping around on them whilst doing a routine canter ~ although riding bareback is easy, cantering at any speed [ie faster than hacking] whilst doing so is asking for riders to fall off left ride and centre whilst bumping around, out of balance, on the horses' backs.

Someone's pulling your plonker, Luis! :D
Jesus, you are quick !!!
I was hoping this topic would have lasted a little bit longer.

Anyway, if somebody hasn´t checked it yet, I recommend to take a look at www.jamesfanshawe.com
It looks like a web to follow throughout the season.
Jeez :eek: James is, er, a little eccentric [*delightfully so*] ..... but I hope Sister Act has gone off for her date with Oasis Dream tomorrow! - and that new girl Margarita isn't in the string... As full sisters of Soviet Song both are worth a packet whatever they do or don't do on the racecourse.

Sister Act is staying in training pending getting foal to OD. As with the constant matings of Kalinka and her immediate family with Marju, I'm a bit mystified too by sending *both* SS and SA to Oasis Dream this season this season. It does all smack of putting too many eggs in one basket...
It's almost believable as JF does have some strange fancies... at one point I noticed on a stable visit that he was hanging heads of garlic cloves in the horses boxes..... I pointed out to Jacko that the idea was for the horses to INGEST the stuff :brows: