What chance Kempton being raceable on Boxing Day?

Thanks, guys, but I eventually had to give up. Betfair is just a disaster area for me.

Having eventually located the market, I deposited my money. By then the price was down to 3/1. I tried getting my bet on at that price and was just about to hit the 'place bet' button when I noticed it was 3.2/1. I got the little that was available at that price but the system didn't cancel the remainder. I had to fiddle about with various aspects of the screen (I can't see the right hand side of the site even when I hold down ctrl and roll the mouse wheel). By the time I started all over again, cancelled the unmatched and tried to get the 3/1, it was in to 2.15/1. I'll wait a while and see if the odds drift again. I would have happily taken 4/1 but almost half that doesn't have the same appeal.

Is it any wonder I seldom bet at Betfair?
With a market like that with so little liquidity, it's unlikely that you'll get all your stake matched instantly. But as there is little to fear from someone with insider knowledge hoovering your stake, it's not going to do much damage if you leave it up there for a few hours.
But as there is little to fear from someone with insider knowledge hoovering your stake...

Rob McElwee isn't beyond having a punt :)

Nevertheless, I decided to request the existing 'lay' price, which was much bigger than the early 4/1. Nothing ventured and all that.
Really? This has been on the SL site for a while.

Officials at Ffos Las will stage a precautionary inspection at 8am ahead of racing on Monday.
Clerk of the course Tim Long reports conditions to be raceable at present but felt it prudent to take a look in the morning in light of the forecast.
"I was actually pleasantly surprised when I walked the track this morning as while we've had a smattering of snow, it has only just started freezing and we would be raceable at the moment," said Long.
"We are forecast the odd wintry shower today and we could get more sleet and snow tonight, which may leave us with a covering.
"We thought we better take a look but it is forecast to be dry and bright on Monday with temperatures getting up to four or five degrees, so I'm quite hopeful at the moment."
Potentially significant that Gillespie mentioned possibly taking re-scheduled Kempton races as one of the reason they will not be staging the Long Walk?
Check the Kempton weather out on the BBC weather website - put in Staines. It looks cold, but at least no more snow forecast yet. I know these things change and cold is bad, but fingers crossed Kempton goes ahead.
I'd say cold was a bigger threat than snow. I keyed in Sunbury earlier and they were forecasting night frosts all week with a low of -4C on Friday night.
That's (the cold) what Songsheet and I were talking about today - you can lay down frost sheets all you like, but it's still quite possible for the ground to harden underneath them. If they take off the sheets and find it's become firm, it won't get any better with the sunlight we've had, because it's still been Swiss Alp cold! I couldn't believe that here, right by the sea, the salty air hadn't caused a melt as we've had no snow for three days - but it's still on rooftops, and the pavements have frozen into treacherous slides of ice.
I'd say cold was a bigger threat than snow. I keyed in Sunbury earlier and they were forecasting night frosts all week with a low of -4C on Friday night.

The forecast has changed again. They (Metcheck) are now forecasting frost-free from Wed night to Friday night with -2C through to Saturday afternoon. The BBC is saying no frost at all. Their forecast seems much more optimistic, to the point that I cancelled my unmatched bet. I reckon the meeting will probably be OK.
I hope that band of warmer air that i saw on the forcast earlier
over the south east works its way north. Am sick of looking out the window and seeing more bleedin snow!!! At least it is insulating the ground and stopping frost getting in, so theres just snow melting to worry about. Im going to throw a massive strop if I can't get out Boxing day espec when i've managed to blag a horse for an hour!!!
I'm loving the snow. Now that I've worked out how to upload photos from mobi to PC I might post one or two.

It isn't that the snow is deep. It's probably less than six inches but it looks great!

(Go on guys, I'm feeding you the lines.)
No Problems..

Kempton will be fine as will most of the southern meetings on Boxing Day. The meetings in the north are much more at risk but the cold weather is easing and there won't be a White Christmas I'm afraid.
Leopardstown should certainly be fine with the ground currently described as soft and a thaw on the way from Christmas onwards.
The Times mentions that Cheltenham is on standby if Kempton falls to the weather. The jumps course at Kempton is still raceable thanks to the frost covers. Although minus 3 is forecast for each night up to Christmas Eve (hopefully milder thereafter).
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