What have the English ever done for us?


At the Start
Jun 6, 2005
Taking a leaf right out of the European Union's Regional Development playbook, it would appear that David Cameron has decided to remind the ungrateful Scotties just what the English are doing to keep them afloat


I actually expect there could be some enterprising reprisals here 'Closed down by the UK government' or 'Here lie, killed by the UK government'
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You are of course correct to say I don't like Cameron, but I'm equally aware of who is the by far and way the most frequent poster who leaps in every time to defend him as predictably as a cuckoo popping his loyal head out of a clock every hour. It isn't Clive, or any of those people who admit to supporting the Tories :whistle:

It's really easy, post a little snide at Cameron, sit back, wait an hour or two, and lo and behold, along comes Grasshopper - every time without fail
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So you admit that you are trolling? Have you ever contributed something worthwhile to the forum or are you just a wind-up merchant?

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You've got it all wrong, Warbler.

Post something tedious yet again and there I'll be - every time, without fail.

Has it ever crossed your mind that perhaps no-one other than yourself, is in the slightest bit interested in your obsession with the Tories? I suspect it hasn't, because what others may think is rarely a consideration of the self-indulgent.

i pull you up on this not because I'm a fan of the Tories. I pull you up on this because I'm a fan of not being bored out of my tits. Start a fu*cking blog if you absolutely must spout this kind of hubristic pish - no-one here gives a toss.
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So you admit that you are trolling? Have you ever contributed something worthwhile to the forum or are you just a wind-up merchant?

Loads of stuff Benny, (a sight more than you) but then your own 'joined date' would be unware of it. Like others though, I took the view that as the racing forum deteriorated it gradually became so that it wasn't really worth contributing, as there is very often no where to go other than being sucked into time consuming arguments, or generating complaints from people who don't like reading. Nothing I've observed since popping back in has done anything to disavow of this opinion. TH doesn't mean a great deal to me, you're quite right. Long gone are the days when I used to be fond of the place.
oh yes they do, just have a look through the racing threads and see how unpleasent they are, which is precisely why I don't GAF either
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Why do you bother? You must be a fairly sad individual to hang around somewhere you don't like, spouting your negativity.

It's like going a pub where you don't like the beer, don't like the food and don't get on with any of the regulars, and just sitting at the bar whinging about it. Why would you, unless you really had nothing better to do.

Maybe the solution would be to start your own thread and confine your boring little pseudo-intellectual rants to it. The rest of us can then choose not to read it.
Oh it's hardly hanging around Benny. You keep a window open, just flick to it on a bit of down time, post something on it, and then drop out before something else loads up and you can get back to doing what you're supposed to be doing. OK I make an exception for Clive, he's different
At the end of the day, though, it's a forum about horse racing. If you want to have a moan about the government there are probably fora where people might find your comments interesting.

If you aren't contributing to the racing board, what's the point?
I think Warbler is getting a picked on here tbh.

Its a racing forum with a chit chat section..we all have the privilege if we want of starting a thread.

There are some threads on the board as a whole that i have no interest in...i ignore them because i have no interest in the content of them

I think telling people what they can and can't post re a thread topic is wrong tbh.

Otherwise...shall i start posting on threads i don't read or find tiresome and tell the person who started it they shouldn't have started it because the content does not suit me

I absolutely guarantee if i did that there would be an outcry..well its no different to what is happening in this instance
You are probably right EC. Everyone's entitled to use the forum in their own way. I am just slightly bemused by someone who is constantly negative on here, and genuinely interested in his/her reasons for posting here.

Most of us come here to enjoy lively debate about the sport we love, share some analysis and hopefully find some winners. Warbler clearly has different motivations and I'm interested in what they are.

Fwiw I only responded because he/she admitted to trolling - which frankly isn't very nice and wastes everyone's time.
fair enough..i can see why you asked Benny..tbh i think warbler has suggested in the past he posts to see what responses he gets..only he knows what his motivation is but i am sure he will tell us

its up to people to either post or not really isn't it?
Oh it's hardly hanging around Benny. You keep a window open, just flick to it on a bit of down time, post something on it, and then drop out before something else loads up and you can get back to doing what you're supposed to be doing. OK I make an exception for Clive, he's different

You are truly a God among mortals Warbler. How you can 'flick' to a window during a bit of down time and elucidate us to Tory misrule with 700 word essays is impressive. I to 'flick' to this open window during downtime and this is about all I have time to get ou
fair enough..i can see why you asked Benny..tbh i think warbler has suggested in the past he posts to see what responses he gets..only he knows what his motivation is but i am sure he will tell us

its up to people to either post or not really isn't it?

Self-confessed trolls looking to get a reaction, are going to get one from this quarter every time, EC1. And quite why you'd want to jump to the defence of a self-confessed troll is a bit surprising.

If Warbler is entitled to post on any subject he wants, then I'm just as entitled to tell him he's a boring when it's yet another minor variation on a one-track-theme.......without getting accused of picking on him.
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Self-confessed trolls looking to get a reaction, are going to get one from this quarter every time, EC1. And quite why you'd want to jump to the defence of a self-confessed troll is a bit surprising.

If Warbler is entitled to post on any subject he wants, then I'm just as entitled to tell him he's a boring when it's yet another minor variation on a one-track-theme.......without getting accused of picking on him.

if Warbler was a person you had met outside the forum..would you say the same?

if we talking entitlement then you would still get accused of picking on him by me..obviously i'll be the only person doing that from what i can see.

Warbler is deemed by the "meet outside the forum people" as fair game for a bit of stick imo ..from what i can see anyway..again there will only be me saying that i would imagine...its easier to not get involved and upset the main players here usually

troll or not..he puts some interesting thoughts up..and even though he only contributes a little to the racing bit its still worthwhile input
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I was also curious as to the repsonse

Would we get a Scots nationalist type of thing?
Would we get some witty suggestions as to what might be signed up as "delivered by the UK government"?
Or would we get the usual Grasshopper defence of David Cameron?

I suspected the last, but wasn't certain of it, suffice to say, the defence of David Cameron came rolling in

It does amuse me though how people think it's their right to tell people what to post and what not to. I've never done that once, even if Grasshopper was responsible for the most turgid racing thread that's ever appeared on here. I can accept that some people found 35 pages of 'fishwives' and 'fear' fun, equally others appealed to him to stop after the 10th page, but he carried on to indulge himself. I thought it quite telling when this years Champion hurdle thread opened up with someone describing the drunken fishwives thread, as the thread of last season, only to be quickly contradicted by someone else who said it most certainly wasn't (not me on either occasion) but then I'd stopped reading it long ago, albeit i did flick at once to discover that 20 pages on it was still running
I "know" Warbler from the Neigh forum, and "knew" him a long time before I did anyone on this forum.

I agree he puts up some interesting thoughts, and have said this to him on several occasions - though I've often tempered it with a suggestion that a lot of those worthwhile contributions are diluted, because of his obsession with the Tories. I have pointed this out using my patented nice-as-pie approach on several occasions, and it has always fallen on deaf-ears - hence my initial reaction to this particular thread. Suggest you go back and check on this, before putting me in a clique, or inferring I'm some kind of a bully.

There's not a thing I say on here that I wouldn't be saying to anyone's face if I met them in person - you included.
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"Or would we get the usual Grasshopper defence of David Cameron?"

See, EC1, there he goes again within his unsubstantiated shite. Is it any wonder I get fu*cking irritated with the arsehole?

For the final time, Warbler, my response was in defence on nothing more than not having to listen to you drone on about the fu*cking Tories yet again.

As for the rest of your shite, as I recall, you were on the verge of banning me at one stage for something trivial aka upsetting your apple-cart when you were trying to ar*se-lick the BHA into posting here, during your hugely misplaced and thankfully brief sojourn as a Moderator.......so I suggest you get your facts straight before you start gobbing off with lies about me. I'm too clever for a no-mark fu*cking clown like you too hoodwink.

As for the Fishwives/CH Thread, as I said in that very BHA thread, I won't take lessons in what constitutes a good/bad post, from a man who cannot get his point across in under 5000 words.

I'm glad we understand each other. Now fu*ck off.

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"Or would we get the usual Grasshopper defence of David Cameron?"

See, EC1, there he goes again within his unsubstantiated shite. Is it any wonder I get fu*cking irritated with the arsehole?

For the final time, Warbler, my response was in defence on nothing more than not having to listen to you drone on about the fu*cking Tories yet again.

As for the rest of your shite, as I recall, you were on the verge of banning me at one stage for something trivial aka upsetting your apple-cart when you were trying to ar*se-lick the BHA into posting here, during your hugely misplaced and thankfully brief sojourn as a Moderator.......so I suggest you get your facts straight before you start gobbing off with lies about me. I'm too clever for a no-mark fu*cking clown like you too hoodwink.

As for the Fishwives/CH Thread, as I said in that very BHA thread, I won't take lessons in what constitutes a good/bad post, from a man who cannot get his point across in under 5000 words.

I'm glad we understand each other. Now fu*ck off.

If i had addressed someone on this forum like the above Grass..i would have folk coming out the woodwork,,telling me i am out of order..i've been chastised for a whole lot less.

i'll bet no one says a word about your post though

these are the double standards that do actually annoy me a bit on here..especially when i'm told that does not exist..it does actually

there are people viewed as soft targets..and they do get different treatment to others..thats a fact imo
You're wrong, EC1.

I am being baited by this idiot, and it is clear for all to see - even you. The only problem here is that I'm up for the cup, and a Jedi fu*cking Master at delivering insults......and I'm only just warming up. That doesn't make him a "soft target" - he just delivers his own insults in what he thinks is a more measured, cerebral way. I mean, they're not - obviously - but he thinks they are.

There are no soft targets, and there are no cliques. It is all in your head. There are arguments which flare-up, then die down again. This isn't about you, or about what might happen if you did the same. It's between me and Warbler.
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As for the rest of your shite, as I recall, you were on the verge of banning me at one stage for something trivial aka upsetting your apple-cart when you were trying to ar*se-lick the BHA into posting here, during your hugely misplaced and thankfully brief sojourn as a Moderator.......so I suggest you get your facts straight before you start gobbing off with lies about me. I'm too clever for a no-mark fu*cking clown like you too hoodwink.

Allow me to correct you (since you didn't have access to the Mods area)

It was at a time when we were trying to develop the forum as a racing forum. I spoke with the BHA (Robin Mounsey) who were looking at potential fora to interact with racing fans. It would have potentially been a useful addition in terms of discussing the politics of racing and the sports development etc I spent about 45 mins on the phone with Robin trying to persuade him that TH was a worthy engagement vehicle. His concern was that all it attracts were smart Alec's, abuse, and can be a bit superficial (waste of time). I tried to assure him that wouldn't be the case here and he agreed to give it a try. A good addition I thought?. Sadly it didn't last long, as the first person in with a pithy one liner that had, look at me, aren't I funny written all over it, was you. Sadly you went some way to proving Robin right. You didn't actually wipe it out (my initial summary) but did damage it

I don't recall trying to get you banned, it wasn't a banable offence. It was hugely disappointing though, and I certainly had reason to call you a few names and throw my arms in despair. You set something up which others might benefit from, and then have someone not quite wipe it out single handedly, but go a long way towards confirming the reservations that the BHA had

You hear people say that they can't get a line into the BHA etc I think you could probably argue that they'd withdraw from this arrangement anyway in time, and Robin occupies a more senior role today than he did then. I would suspect you'd probably be right if arguing it was always destined to fail as a relationship, but it never really got a chance. We got off to a bad start and the BHA came to realise that there was little value in them attempting to reach into cybersapce to racing fans using fora other than their own.
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Blah blah blah - like I say, you were ar*selicking to the BHA. And I remember all about the details, given I was the one on the receiving end, and facing a ban.

To refresh your memory, I was the second person with a pithy one-liner on that thread - you chose to ignore the first person who made a gag (some pun about the Stan James King George) - and then saw fit to delete my post in it's entirety.....for no good reason other than it was messing with your vanity. You then threatened me with a ban, but when several posters came to my defence, you asked to "Take it to PM", at which point I gave you the benefit of the doubt.

You acted as judge and jury, rather than Moderator, and basically had a gigantic fu*cking hissy-fit over a one-liner which you - still, apparently - blame for torpedoing your love-in with the BHA. It is pathetic and contemptible in equal measure.

You were a joke of a Moderator, and it's a good job you were either relieved of the duties (or gave them up willingly during your absence) before you did any lasting damage. People with your temperament (wannabes with a misplaced sense of entitlement and intellect) are not made out for that kind of role.
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