What Is This Song?


At the Start
May 2, 2003
My uncle has recently been singing over and over the first few lines of a Queen or Freddie Mercury song which goes something like:

'' It's a beautiful day, the sun is shining etc etc''

Does anyone know what song it is and who actually sang it?!?!? I'd just like to find out if the originasl is anywhere near as bad as he's making it sound :laughing:

As an afterthought, and completely changing the subject!, anyone know a photographer that might have been on duty at Hereford on the 11th of this month?
Imagine, it's actually called It's A Beautiful Day by Queen.

It's a beautiful day
The sun is shining
I feel good
And no-one's gonna stop me now, oh yeah

It's a beautiful day
I fell good, I fell right
And no-one, no-one's gonna stop me now

Sometimes I fell so sad, so sad, so bad
But no-one's gonna stop me now, no-one
It's hopeless - so hopeless to even try
Imagine, if you phone the course, they can tell you who their official photographers were, since they would have issued them with armbands for the day's work. They can probably give you a contact for them, too, if that's what you're after.

Tel 01432 273560.
:) Hey, thanks guys

Those lyrics have really been bugging me so I'll go check it out.

Thanks for the phone number Krizon - a horse I used to ride for Michael Bell won a novice chase there so I'm hoping to get some pics as he was a bit of a favourite.
Imagine ;

Try Chris Cook at Pleasure Prints


then , Gallery, then Hereford 11/4/07

Dont know which horse it is, and they probably arent upto much , but needs must when its Hereford!
Hey! He's not that bad!!!!!!

Hereford it may be but he's got his head in front and that's all I'm concerned about. He's onviously not quite the donkey I though when I ued to ride him - had two speeds - slow and stop. But I'm really pleased for the connections. At least he's earning his keep and is still safe and well so that's the main thing :)
Before this totally becomes a racing thread - it's Lyon and it runs at Chepstow tonight in the 6.30 - anyone going please cheer him on for me!!

And I've checked out the Queen song - surprisingly they're version is somewhat better than my uncle's :D