What was it Oscar Wilde said?


At the Start
Jun 6, 2005
To lose one MP might be regarded as a misfortunate, to lose two looks decidedly like carelessness

Another Conservative MP (Mark Reckless) of 2010 in-take, has legged it from jolly Dave's ship.

Doubtless seduced by Nigel Farage's more relaxed attitude to alcohol doubtless and drinking on the job possibly?
They've lost another one now

No sooner has Mark Reckless defected to UKIP, then Brooks Newmark has followed suit resigning from the party

Mr Newmark said: "I have decided to resign as minister for civil society having been notified of a story to be published in a Sunday newspaper.

"I would like to appeal for the privacy of my family to be respected at this time."

Now far be it from me to speculate just old Brooks has been up to, and I certainly wouldn't want to base any views on naked prejudice, but just look at him, I mean, if someone said to you draw a picture of what a typical xyz would look like, you'd draw that wouldn't you?

I think ed has more to worry about than Cameron this week

Also if we are talking about how someone looks...well

Posing with that pic of Wallace and grmoit made it worse... Clueless

Would you have seen charles de Gaulle posing and laughing with a parrot because he looked like one? I don't think so....
It was a photo of his podger

And calamity Cameron made him Minister for Civil Behaviour or something :lol:

Clean up politics the Dave way :lol:
The guy just turned up one day and announced he was doing this job then did he? Dave doesn't appoint ministers then?
It is, and he does, and he enjoys it.

Only Clive would think of a Wallace and Grommit diversionary tactic in the name of PR by trying to deflect the focus away from a Minister appointed by David Cameron (the same man who appointed Andy Coulson) to take the lead on civil responsibility, who then sends photographs of his dick to a Sunday Mirror reporter
Quite ridiculous

Milliband clearly had complete control over the rather silly pose with Wallace and gromit. How Cameron is supposed to have control over the ministers private life is beyond me..

Not that the minister did anything illegal or really anything that in my book is harmful. Just daft. I wouldn't even expect him to have resigned

But if labour or the left want to throw accusations of sexual deviance, first I think perhaps they ought to look in their own backyard at 1400 plus covered up and dismissed sexual assaults.
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Quite ridiculous

Milliband clearly had complete control over the rather silly pose with Wallace and gromit. How Cameron is supposed to have control over the ministers private life is beyond me..

Not that the minister did anything illegal or really anything that in my book is harmful. Just daft. I wouldn't even expect him to have resigned

But if labour or the left want to throw accusations of sexual deviance, first I think perhaps they ought to look in their own backyard at 1400 plus covered up and dismissed sexual assaults.

not only covered them up..removed someone who wanted to do something about it
not only covered them up..removed someone who wanted to do something about it

Yes . And after ruining countless lives, had to be pretty well pushed out of the jobs. Some will say they are not elected labour members but point is that they were very much leftish appointees. Look at that nasty behaviour to the ukip foster parents

The minister has down nothing that will hurt anyone. In my book that's all that counts.

Also warbler, you keep going on about hagues sexuality.,.. Does it matter?
Have any of you chaps ever had an overwhelming urge to expose your aroused nether regions to the wider public?

Very strange: presumably it walks hand in hand with a wish to dominate
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Have any of you chaps ever had an overwhelming urge to expose your aroused nether regions to the wider public?

My gable end is a Falls Rd-esque montage of my genitalia. I am not resigning today.

I agree with clives comments re Warblers rather homophobic sounding continuous gay Hague mantra (I'm sure that being a CPGB member he's not). Of no relevance to anyone with half a brain.
Oh callign Hague gay is purely stirring on my part, and because he keeps denying it himself, but backed down when he threatened to sue Paul Staines and Staines said see you in court. Just get it out in the open Hague, no one will mind. After all it's quite normal for Ministers of State to share beds with their 25 yo SPAD who doesn't really have any foreign policy expereince that anyone can see
Oh callign Hague gay is purely stirring on my part, and because he keeps denying it himself, but backed down when he threatened to sue Paul Staines and Staines said see you in court. Just get it out in the open Hague, no one will mind.

I rather like this quote from Simon Hoggart's Guardian obituary of Norman St.John-Stevas

"He lived in that period where gay politicians never came "out", yet were happy for everyone to know"
its a good job its me that's the moron Clive isn't it?...some of these threads are good uns

Listen mate. Warbler doesn't really do personal. He's alright. Wrong but alright

See the thread where i lost it a bit with creepy posters winding up me over mental state of family members (bb) and worse still pointing people to my address so that external interference could be generated (btb). Wasnt worth it in the end. Nobodies

There are some right arseholes about but he isn't one of them
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i'm sorry Clive..but it was out of order..i've always said i'd like him to return to posting here..on racing like..then he comes out with that..no need for it at all imo...i don't mind being called pr1ck tw@t etc..but moron..you wouldn't have liked it when you haven't done anything to deserve it..which i don't think i did

i'm not bothered now..i've had an exceptional day on the geegees so going to have a few cold ones now:cool:
See the thread where i lost it a bit with creepy posters winding up me over mental state of family members (bb)

If that's what you construed it as then you're the one whose mental state should be called into question.

As for arseholes, I seem to remember it was you who threatened to glass me in the face merely because I expressed doubts over whether your mum really was contacted from beyond the grave.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
It was an example for ec not an invitation for you to respond. And face to face? Well you wouldn't have..

No interest. And not going to waste time correcting that bullshit either
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