Whatuthink has a broken jaw


At the Start
May 2, 2003
Dahn sarf
We worried that Paddy Mangan might've been badly injured in the Becher Chase, he lay flat out so long, but it's his mount, 8 y.o. WHATUTHINK, who's in the wars. Paddy's okay, just got some small facial injury, while WHATUTHINK has had his jaw wired shut, having had it badly fractured by a kick from the horse who fell in front of him. His trainer says he's now likely to be out until May next year, so that's the season over for him, poor sod. I don't know how they'll feed him - anyone know? Can't see how a drip will work, but they've got to get nourishment into him somehow.
Ouch !

Just watched the replay of the Amlin Chase - that was a truly horrible fall Alberta's Run took so glad he got up OK - a similar fall at slower speed broke poor Oddshoes neck at Kempton today .
They will almost certainally stomach tube him Kri - you can get tubes that you leave in place to avoid the stress of placing them all the time, and just feed him through that.
Not ideal, but jaws tend to heal very well, so hopefully it wont be for too long for him.
Thank you, Nurse Troodles! I knew you'd know. Can he be exercised in hand with just a halter, or horsewalked? He must be in pain, so I suppose he'll be on some sort of sedatives, so perhaps that wouldn't be appropriate just yet.

Ards, poor, poor ODDSHOES - a nice horse, again one with a fun name which I like.