When the fun stops


Senior Jockey
Mar 4, 2004
South Lanarkshire
On holiday in Majorca at the moment and the guy a few apartments over spends all day every day with the racing on his tablet.

Should I a) tell the **** to shut the **** up and lob his tablet in the pool or b) lob the **** in the pool and steal his tablet or c) just stab him and be done with it.

PS on the off chance it's one of you lot. How about a cup of shut the **** up!
Maybe it's his idea of fun?

Sun, warm temperatures, cheap booze and racing all day. He might be in heaven (for him).

PS - it aint me.
If I could get close enough to him I might just try that but he is literally oblivious to the rest of the world so there ain't much chance!

On the plus side we observed him being a complete knob to the waiters in a restaurant which earned him a long wait for his meal. The guy just doesn't care about anyone else!
A good example of how self absorbed he is - currently sitting in full view tablet blaring, picking his nose enthusiastically and pinging the bits over the balcony.

At least he's not eating it.
A good example of how self absorbed he is - currently sitting in full view tablet blaring, picking his nose enthusiastically and pinging the bits over the balcony.

At least he's not eating it.

So that rules out Slim for sure.