When things come back to bite you


At the Start
Apr 17, 2005
I was helping my niece (14) complete her Global Warming Project when she mentioned the plight of POLAR BEARS and how their predicament made her feel unhappy.

Trying to raise some humour, I said 'look .... some animals of the world have simply past their sell-by date'

Guess which of Uncle Mark's statement got into her project. Followed by a phone call home to Mum, seemingly it was unhelpful and not the school party-line!

Mate of mines daughter has won some scholarship to work with animals in Africa. Was chatting to him and his wife at a do recently and they were prettyproud

i asked if she could use a gun. "Why."

"that big game hunting is a real earner"

"no!" From hazel

"She could be minted in no time. You've got to get the rare ones though. Rhinos and tigers. None of that wildebeest rubbish"


"I'm telling you it's a doddle. She's done well there. Good move"

mates pissing himself. I did it in best peter cook dead straight face.

good night out
Old friends ... They know me well.

When we used to go on the pull I used to wind up some birds by telling them I was a seal clubber.

" it's great. They've got no legs and it's bosh and off you go"

"Don't know what everyone's moaning about. Loads of dosh and only work a month a year"
It beats reading them Lingfield time ratings and going on about the distance of the betfair chase.

Another mate used to say he ran a flea circus that was on channel 4 at midnight and he would start scratching himself. Had me in stitches.

women do have humour too you know.
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Crikey just popped and discovered this rather disturbing turn of events

EC- how much you make
Clive - Depends whether you prefer a each way job to a blow job ec


Wrong thread Clive
I was helping my niece (14) complete her Global Warming Project when she mentioned the plight of POLAR BEARS and how their predicament made her feel unhappy.

Trying to raise some humour, I said 'look .... some animals of the world have simply past their sell-by date'

Guess which of Uncle Mark's statement got into her project. Followed by a phone call home to Mum, seemingly it was unhelpful and not the school party-line!


:lol: you have to really mind what you say in front of them, as you see

this was a fun case, but there is also that kind of people who remember things you said last year and bring them back 'to bite you':mad:... hate them :p
:D if you insist to say that to someone, choose people who are bad at remembering things, so that they won't use it later against you