Whens trump going to announce...


Senior Jockey
May 5, 2011
Who he's going to appoint as the new UK amabassador perhaps that great friend of his Farage,nice to see a representative of the US saying WE as in brits are going in a completeky different direction under new primeminster johnson.Not forgetting we have Mike pompeo already promising to stop corbyn,incredible stuff that'd going on at the moment bending over for the US and we have johnson in charge a complete menace who will be a puppett and the US openly saying will stop corbyn..

On another note another unbiased piece from the Breixt Broadcasting Company a panorama special and an hour long are Labour Ante semite :lol::lol::lol: ffs another absolute disgrace no doubt it will be totally impartial from john ware a journalist thats already done three hatchet jobs on labour ex sun journalist and known supporter of Israel...What could possibly go wrong:lol::lol:,margaret hodge will no doubt be on it and i wonder if her daughter that is an editor for the BBC had any influence on the prigramme:ninja:,do me a favour this stuff is so transparent its a joke,a week after corbyns had a stroke and unfit :lol::lol: the mans fit as a ******* fiddle will outlive that lump of lard trump and johnson thats for sure..How do they keep getting away with this stuff,it's just relentless week in week out..
Playing a dangerous game the BBC and people are finally seeing through it...the rightwing agenda goes on..
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And amabassador resign unreal:lol::lol: keep bending over britain,i think there;s going to be another hatchet job on this ambassador as well sly times journalist said there's more to this than meets the eye ffs,i wonder what stuff they are going to make up about him to justify trump...
Ireland has its own problems I find the lack of scrutiny and the amplifying of far right/Pro Brexit stance from the BBC saddening. It's so blatant that you could only suspect that there is someone benefiting from their approach. The absolute inevitability of the resignation today and the hiring of a go-between between Johnson and russophiliac Trump, all stemming from 'leaks exposed' by Isabel Oakeshott, yet no one seems to bat an eye. Thought the British public cared about this sort of thing.
That Isabel Oakeshott another vile and complete liar,she was the one who had emails surrounding brexit scandals revolving around Banks,farage etc and denied it,why is it the same people involved all the time it's so transparent as well,are people that half witted in this country they just seem to believe any old **** that's fed to them..I thought we were going a bit more to the left not veering off to the extreme right ffs,someone needs to call all this **** out and stand up to it,i have never seen anything like uit in my life that's why i stated a few threads 9 months ago,it's just getting worse everyday,a rightwing agenda on everything..Look at the BBC journos as well all of them conservatives and everythings an anti labout agenda,you know the script before the programmes start it's just pathetic..
Oh the irony, a vile rancid Labour MP gets thrown in prison for fraud and lying under oath in court over a poxy speeding ticket and you call me thick :lol::lol: and then she had the front to appeal over sentence ... please tell me why she wasnt sacked from your precious Labour party... if a vile Tory had done this you would have been in heaven and posted about it for weeks.
Oh the irony, a vile rancid Labour MP gets thrown in prison for fraud and lying under oath in court over a poxy speeding ticket and you call me thick :lol::lol: and then she had the front to appeal over sentence ... please tell me why she wasnt sacked from your precious Labour party... if a vile Tory had done this you would have been in heaven and posted about it for weeks.

If i wanted to bring up things as trivial as that i could find a 1000 around the tory party are you really that thick i'm talking about complete bias and rughtwing bias throught out the establishment not some poxy driving offfence i'm talking about the corrupt right and trump and johnson corrupting britaun not some petty crime ffs..
Oh the irony, a vile rancid Labour MP gets thrown in prison for fraud and lying under oath in court over a poxy speeding ticket and you call me thick :lol::lol: and then she had the front to appeal over sentence ... please tell me why she wasnt sacked from your precious Labour party... if a vile Tory had done this you would have been in heaven and posted about it for weeks.

The article you posted says that she was immediately sacked from the labour party when found guilty.

Thick might cover it.
Someone off another forum that bets on politics posted this bearing in mind he's a tory voter as well..

A friend of my good lady was visiting Parliament today through her employment. At lunch she was on the next table to Boris. She said he was disgusting, grabbing two glasses of wine at a time and slobbering food all down him as if he hadn't eaten for a week. She couldn't believe that the disgusting individual could possibly ever be our PM
All this Tory bashing is laughable, honest joe bloggs who works in a factory or drives a bus or train just looks at his wage packet at the end of the week..whatever is left after paying his bills is all hes concerned about, whatever party is in power dosent matter to him , hes been programmed to adjust to all circumstances.. thats what most working class people do.. complain for a couple of weeks . then knuckle down... and seeing as your a millionaire .. why are you bothered ? you should be swanning about with your cravat and lardy dar.... power to the people wolfy ... lighten up pal
I think the question is why would you not be bothered,by the way i am from a working class family,there are thankfully lots of working class people who are now involved in politics people like you are part of the problem after just excepting things for decades,you are just some troll talking crap on a forum with a soul purpose of stalking posts...Perhaps you could spend your time more wisely then just following my posts around at every opportunity when logging in,looks like you have some sort of problem..