Wild Caribbean


At the Start
Jun 2, 2003
Has anyone else been watching this? Last night was the seond episode of four and it really is excellent. The Caribbean sea last night's theme and there were some wonderful shots of coral reefs and the little and not so little fish living on and around them. Watching the squid do their colour changing mating dance was fascinating and almost hypnotic and the feeding octopus was rather wierd. Next week is about severe weather hitting the region and how nature copes and recovers. It's also repeated on a Saturday night at ten past eight.
Beautiful series, isn't it? The colours are ridiculously sharp and clear, and the quality of the light is amazing. Tonight I went to Bali, though, courtesy of Ch.5's Monty Halls looking for the giant sunfish. He eventually found some, waiting in line to be spruced-up by cleaner fish. Strange creatures, they can literally weigh a ton and look constantly amazed with their permanently open, pouting, mouths.
Forgot about that one about the sunfish. It was recommended in the paper today and I had planned to watch it............