Work Do's

Irish Stamp

Forum Moderator
Mar 21, 2004
Work retirement do's aren't all bad, just got back from one tonight and our Retail Director (I think) Mick Furlong was there, he looks alot like ex-footballer Micky Thomas, well anyway he got a round in. Didn't think they were that big a deal at all but he was there as were a few others, including my District Manager who's asked me to work 12 hours tomorrow so heck knows how I'll manage that :lol:

Thought i'd let you all know they aren't all that bad.
The official retirement parties held by the Saudi Oil Co. were always great. We had huge platters of whole roast lambs - usually five or six - stuffed with rice and accompanied by salads, while we sat around on old Bedouin rugs (over the polyester American carpeting) drinking loads of apple and orange juice, and stuffing ourselves to oblivion.

When I left after 20 years, although it wasn't officially a retirement, I was treated to a gorgeous (or gorge-us) lunchtime feast of roast lamb and chicken, rice, salad, fruit juices and Arabian coffee poured from authentic Bedu coffeepots. We were supposed to work in the afternoon, but as we could hardly move not much got done. No alcohol was permitted, but to be honest we all enjoyed things so much, it really wasn't desperately missed!
This is a bizarre thread, not helped by this vaccuous contribution. I just wanted it on record that I think it's weird.
And the extra 'c' in vacuous, which could be put to good use preceding a vowel and two consonants to express my opinion of your pomposity, Bobbyjo.

Considering the line of work you're in - yes, I do know who and what you are - you ought to know how to spell and use basic punctuation. Perhaps instead of spending time adding to the negativity in the world, you might like to acquaint yourself better with the English language?