WTF is happening in my country?

Tout Seul

Senior Jockey
May 2, 2003
Awful news about a 9 year old girl dying from multiple stab wounds in Boston. No not in the US but Lincolnshire!

The Times stated:

In 2016 figures published by the Home Office showed that Boston was the worst place for homicides in England, with a rate of 15 murder-related crimes for every 100,000 people.
Wonder the same thing myself daily. Shocking news that thoughts with the family.

Spent around 6 months fishing the Boston drains never particularly thought it was a rough area but then compared to where I grew up nothing ever seems too bad.
Apparently the area has a very high immigrant population from various European countries and there is tension not just between them and the locals but among each other.
Here's food for thought...

BP have just announced quarterly profits of £6.9bn. Can I just re-emphasise that the figure is a quarterly one.

Assuming that's the 'modern' billion we're talking and not the traditional (ie 1bn = 1,000m and not the old 1,000,000m), that figure looks like this:

£6,900,000,000. Per quarter, ie in 12/13 weeks.

That extrapolates to £27,600,000,000 in a year, almost £1000 per UK household.

And that's one oil company.

And that's leaving aside the gas companies and the electricity companies.

A 50% windfall tax on BP alone would generate almost £500 per UK household. Instead, our own taxes will rise in order to pay for the government giving households a roughly similar amount.

The whole energy payment thing is a complete con trick imposed on us because the government is willing to let energy companies play fast and loose with the economy.
Kids getting stripped searched in London is unpleasant. While a teenager in London I actually got caught with a spliff.

I remember being frog marched to the local custody, where some perverted copper got his gloves on ready to give me a good fingering.

I kicked off and never let it happen, pride intact, but it involved wrestling with about 10 coppers in a police cell, until they eventually gave up.

I am white and this was 20 years ago when I was 16. How do the police continue to get away with it?

I see a representative of the black community claiming black kids aren't given the same respect and decency as white kids.

While clearly it happens more to black kids from what I saw 40 percent of the incidents were white teenagers.

So a bit unfair to forget them in all this but no real surprise I guess that white kids don't take centre stage in policing debates in this country, especially not in London.

I would rather they addressed the injustice as a whole without someone claiming if you are a white kid it can't happen to you.
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What percentage of the total population are white teenagers?
I haven't a clue, An.

I'd hazard a guess in the total population white teenagers are probably 80 percent of the total teenage population.

London probably considerably less than that.

As I say, they should tackle this issue as a whole, as the injustice that it is, although I understand black teenagers are disproportionately affected by this issue in places like London.
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