Yaxley lennon


Senior Jockey
May 5, 2011
Otherwise known as Tommy Robertson an infamous football hooligan name,why use the name? to front a football hooligan mob after all his real name sounds middle class and an embarassment,what self respecting footballball idiot would take him seriously with a name like that,has had variious othernames as well,criminal record everything from domestic abuse ti assaulting an officer and believe it or not mortgage fraud:ninja:.Likes to champion himself the working mans voice,really, hardly done a days work in his life and owned a sunbed shop,now gettiing donations from lots of unknowns but connected to zionist groups and in the youtube clip declares himself so.An idiot but useful one for stirring up trouble for certain zionist groups with anti muslim rhetoric day after day,just an idiot? interestingly though has massive support amongst middle class/middle aged white conservative voters,they think he's a hero...He declares in video he can get drugs anywhere in the world seems laughable or maybe it simply isn't with his connections in background.
He recently purchased a house 1/2 million property,apparently built it himself:ninja:,those donations mustv'e flooded in o f course the media have to silence him i mean an openly zionist supporter we may get a sudden surge of antisemitism,oh wait a minute we have that's a coincidence or is it!
You only need read conservative voters who admit it openly on open forums,the betfair forum has numerous threads they make their allegiance to the torys obvious and robinson bigoted support self confessed zionist(they don't condemn it they still give him 100% support) amazes me that these people me so open about it,they can just say anything they like..
Then we have the labour antisemetism ongoing onslaught through the media,obviously a problem but surely a microdot in comparison to whats generally happening through various groups robertsons connected to been backed by,worked for and support from british middle classes of a certain leaning,labours had 600 cases we don't know how many are serious etc msybe a couple of hundred..What we do know is that robinson is going to keep pushing and pusghing this anti islamic rhetoric,is he being poked with a stick for financial gain ,that;s pretty obvious but his backers how far will he go and this antisemetism thing going on is it a reaction to him and his bedmates behind the scenes..Seems a massive coincidence, is he there deliberately to stir this antisemitism up by proclaiming himself to be a zionist and his backers are getting the reaction they want,destroy the left at the same time something stinks as the media are on over drive on it...They blame corbyn and labour gullible and not the brightest i could accept racist i don't think so, i don't believe they are making the connection, no ones making any connection to the rise of the right and robinsons growing support from middle class white men who are encouraging his islamaphobia more and more..or maybe they simply don't want to..

How easy could it be to stir up trouble and potentially destroy a party with a community of 4 million compared to a community of 300,000...and keep the rhetoric going... after all if you called a community of 4 million rapists and paedophilles as a whole religion what % of those would you expect some comeback from certainly a lot more than a few hundred,thousands i would estimate...Maybe john barnes has a point...
This is far darker than jeremy corbyn having some sympathetic stand towards palestinians,or institutionlaized racism in the party which is total bollox i hope they are investigating who these people actually are in depth would be very interesting..if i was corbyn even though on principle seems hardh to resign this i can see ongoing and he may as well standaside..i think its out of his control and he's going to get all the blame again.
The timing is impeccable as well,the torys in the **** for months and getting worse,suddenly from a whattspp group we get robinson declaring himself a zionst released on the net etc,etc then all the antisemitism coincides for a distraction media in frenzy and question times been turned into jeremy kyle/labour bashing show...Can all these things possibly be coincidence the odds would be astronomical.

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Conservative voters
- 42% believe Robinson highlights issues ignored by media
- 47% falsely believe there are no-go areas where sharia law dominates & non-Muslims can't enter
- 49% see Islam as a threat 2British way of life
.those who voted Conservative in the 2017 general election are among the most likely to hold anti-Muslim sentiments”
Deeply troubling findings in this report -we must ask ourselves why are we @Conservatives an attractive proposition to #Islamophobes?

Sayeeda warsi conservatuve mp..
Naomi Wimborne-idrissi
1 March at 10:44

The Witchhunt is coming closer to home. My Jewish Voice for Labour comrade Jenny Manson and I have received several threatening phone calls over recent days. I've just been told, by a male voice calling from a private number, "You're the next to go, you're the next to go, we have files on you, you're the next to go." Police have been informed..

The agenda will continue,labour must not win the election at any cost...
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Just found this little gem about SPIKED unbelievable..i mentioned the sudden appearence of brendan o'neill on the poliyics show at short notice editor of magazine last week...only person that seemed to know that ''slight tinge'' was just an accident then attacked labour,no surprise after finding this amazing what you can find with just a bit of reading..

Robinson admits he has received several hundred thousand pounds in donations, but the Guardian investigation raised disturbing issues about the groups funding him. The US think tank Middle East Forum admits it has given $60,000 to support his legal fees and the London demo.

The Guardian also reported that the Middle East Forum, as well as other groups that have supported Robinson, have themselves received nearly $5 million from several wealthy donors. Among them is theAbstraction fund, of which New York department store heiress Nina Rosenwald is president and treasurer. The fund gave the Middle East Forum $2.65 million in donations between 2011 and 2015. Rosenwald is also the president of the Gatestone Institute, which has published a number of articles about Robinson and has received generous donations from the Abstraction Fund. Gatestone is also supported by the family of Robert Mercer, a hedge fund boss who was a key funder of Donald Trump's presidential campaign. The foundations of Richard Mellon Scaife, the late billionaire who donated generously to conservative causes, gave $575,000 to the David Horowitz Freedom Center, which frequently runs articles supporting Robinson.

The idea that American billionaires can impact on our politics in any way is profoundly wrong and the UK government should pass a law to ban all foreign funding in our domestic politics.

Read more
Koch brothers join #Resistance, launch campaign against Trump tariffs Koch brothers join #Resistance, launch campaign against Trump tariffs
Two of the richest Americans, David and Charles Koch, who are worth $120 billion have not been seen before to be funding organisations in Britain but the Guardian's George Monbiot revealed on December 7 that the Charles Koch Foundation had transferred money to a company that appears to be the US funding arm of a British organisation funding a magazine called SPIKED

The politics of Charles Koch were revealed back in 1978 when he wrote: "Our movement must destroy the prevalent statist paradigm." He argues for lower taxes and deregulating businesses, yet his own company has faced massive fines for illegal emissions, ammonia pollution and oil spills. The company was found guilty in 1999 of using a corroded pipeline carrying butane which exploded and killed two people.

The Koch brothers set up the Mercatus Centre, the Cato Institute and Americans For Prosperity and over the years they have spent hundred of millions of dollars supporting those organisations that share their right-wing views. They provided vital support for the Tea Party but then moved on to support Trump by funding his transition team. Not surprisingly Trump's administration has dramatically reduced taxes on large corporations such as those owned by the Koch brothers.

In the last two years the Charles Koch Foundation gave $300,000 to support Spiked which has denounced George Soros, Jeremy Corbyn and Black Lives Matter. It also denounced those campaigning for feminism and environmental issues. It provides strong support for the far-right columnist Katie Hopkins, Tommy Robinson, Aaron Banks, Toby Young and Viktor Orban (Hungary's right-wing prime minister). It has consistently supported a hard Brexit without a deal.

What a lovely media we have explains the editorials now eyes wide open and funded by these people,yet very few actually know whats going on,i had look a few times at spiked after drone said he had found himself agreeing with something on there,i looked last night ad on the comments page every person was an ardent robinson supporter..A very very strange magazine,labour hating rag,infact seems to hate lots of things hardly surprising now have never read so much vitriol now its all explained.strangest thing was finding so many robinson supporters on a supposedly ex marxist magazine,how did they even find or know it existed and why would they even think of reading it..

And of course the highlighted names Abstraction,Middle east forum funding a pro israel ultra zionist movement who wouldv'e guessed..no shock to see trump amongst them as well,all inter related as well there's huge whiff about the whole thing..
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'On Monday, Evolve Politics released an article documenting how two Tory politicians were actively running a Facebook group where members routinely ranted about bombing mosques and shooting immigrants (amongst many other despicably racist posts) – a story which has now been seen by more than half a million people across all platforms.
Media and BBC quiet as a mouse...

In other news

A major online publication covering the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has uncovered an attempt to use social media to spread and intensify the notion of an antisemitism crisis within the Labour Party.

An Electronic Intifada investigation has revealed that ten fake Twitter accounts were set up to deliberately post antisemitic tweets. The purpose was apparently to discredit Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn and the party in general. The Electronic Intifada says it’s likely that the same person or group of people created the accounts.

The Electronic Intifada points out:

All 10 accounts have engaged in a pattern of deception, presenting as Labour activists while engaging in anti-Semitism. Most have also posted violent incitement and death threats, often against Jews.
All 10 posted their most violent and anti-Semitic content as replies to other tweets. This means that many times, a cursory look at the accounts’ profile pages is unlikely to reveal anything immediately objectionable...

No mention on BBC abiout this either or anywhere in mainstream media...staring every unbiased person in the face the agenda will continue till corbyn is replaced by a moderate 1.01, ...Tom watson stepping into takeover by the looks..
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And if things couldn't get anyowirse as my first post suggested look at this piece....

Revealed: Ukip membership surge shifts party to far right
Investigation reveals exodus of party’s moderates and influx of more extreme newcomers

Peter Walker and Josh Halliday

Sun 3 Mar 2019 15.00 GMT Last modified on Sun 3 Mar 2019 21.10 GMT
The Ukip leader, Gerard Batten
The Ukip leader, Gerard Batten, has described Islam as ‘a death cult’. Photograph: Leon Neal/Getty Images
A surge in Ukip membership is shifting the party decisively towards the far right, as long-standing moderates are replaced by entrants attracted by an anti-Islam agenda based on street protest, a Guardian investigation can reveal.

Membership has risen by about 50% over the 12 months from a low point a year ago, rapidly reshaping the party in the image of its leader, Gerard Batten, who describes Islam as “a death cult” and has appointed the anti-Muslim activist Tommy Robinson as an adviser.

Conversations with more than two dozen current and former Ukip figures, many of them senior, have uncovered an exodus of more moderate senior members and local organisers, hollowing out Ukip’s ability to fight future elections.

How Ukip normalised far-right politics – video explainer
Sources say many of the 8,000 or so newcomers who have joined in recent months appear to be younger and more radical, attracted both by Robinson and the party’s links to controversial YouTube agitators.

Members of Ukip’s youth wing have posted antisemitic and other extremist messages online, and there has been a rise in the popularity of news websites pushing the party’s message.

Analysts warn that with Ukip’s poll numbers rising amid the continued deadlock over Brexit there is a danger the party could soon be reinvented as a street movement, becoming the first significant far-right force in UK politics since the demise of the British National party (BNP).

How to spot a populist
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According to party insiders, Batten appointed Robinson, whose real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, without consulting colleagues. They say he is increasingly adopting what one called a “bunker mentality” in which he relies heavily on Robinson, the founder of the English Defence League, and other confidants from the far right.

The Guardian has seen antisemitic messages posted on an unofficial Ukip youth web group, including one saying that life under Hitler was “better than anywhere else on earth”, and another describing Jews as “hook-nosed masters” who control the media. The member involved has since been expelled.

And while Ukip has publicly sought to reject links to the yellow-vest protesters who have harassed politicians and journalists outside parliament and have links to far-right and anti-Islam views, their main Facebook page is run by Martin Costello, the chair of Ukip’s Wiltshire branch and a former parliamentary candidate.

Costello told the Guardian he was helping to coordinate the movement, describing himself as a “modern-day Wat Tyler”.

Since Batten took over as Ukip leader last year, he has proposed new policies including extra checks for immigrants from Islamic countries and Muslim-only prisons, while his families spokesman has said Muslims gangs are responsible for “a holocaust of our children”.


Such changes, together with the appointment of Robinson, prompted a series of MEPs to quit the party, among them the former leader Nigel Farage, who has since launched a new Brexit-based party.

Of the 24 Ukip MEPs elected when the party topped the polls in the 2014 European elections, only seven remain.

Gerard Batten, the Ukip leader, speaks at the party’s annual conference n Birmingham in September 2018
Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gerard Batten, the Ukip leader, speaks at the party’s annual conference n Birmingham last September. Photograph: Aaron Chown/PA
Insiders say this change has been reflected at local level, with many party organisers leaving. A source at one of Ukip’s former strongholds, Thanet in Kent, called the party operation there “a shadow of what it used to be”.

But senior members say this has been balanced by an influx of predominantly younger members, many attracted by Ukip’s tie-up with YouTube personalities such as Paul Joseph Watson, from the far-right US conspiracy theory website Infowars.

The party’s membership stands at more than 27,000, well below the figures seen under Farage but 50% higher than in February 2018. Membership jumped 15% in one month alone last summer, and Ukip’s poll ratings have risen to about 7%.

Guardian Today: the headlines, the analysis, the debate - sent direct to you
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Batten is credited with turning around Ukip after the disastrous tenure of Henry Bolton. Katie Fanning, a member of Ukip’s national executive committee (NEC), calls his achievements “fantastic”.

However, Fanning said Batten had appointed Robinson as an adviser without informing the NEC, describing this as “an unwise choice”.

With so many opponents having left, Batten’s position looks secure, even though he faces a coming leadership contest, having taken over on an initial one-year interim basis.

It remains to be seen how much he can use disquiet over Brexit as well as the reach of Robinson, Watson and others to build Ukip into a stronger political force, whether electorally or otherwise.


Robert Ford, professor of politics at the University of Manchester, said some of Ukip’s recent rise in the polls could be down to voters not realising how much the party had changed.

As an openly far-right organisation, Ford said, Ukip could be “too radioactive” to pick up disaffected Tory voters, who could instead be tempted by Farage. “If Ukip end up as BNP 2.0,” he said, “there’s a very low popularity ceiling on that.”

However, Ford added, the party could thrive instead as a street-focused protest group: “The next couple of years are going to be very, very unpredictable in British politics. Brexit currently occupies all the space in media and politics, and no one quite knows what’s going to rush in when that space is finally vacated.”

David Lawrence, a researcher with the group Hope Not Hate, said Ukip was “now explicitly a far-right party”.

It was possible, he said, that in this form it could eclipse the influence of the BNP: “We are seeing a shift in the political landscape with Brexit, and I think it is significant that Ukip are now very extreme, and polling these kinds of numbers. It certainly speaks to very worrying trends in UK politics.”

A spokesman for the party said Batten had “saved the party from certain financial collapse”.

He said: “Ukip has employed new campaign staff for the upcoming local elections, and candidate recruitment and selection has been in overdrive since Mr Batten put the party on electoral red alert in December. Ukip does not stand for any ‘far-right’ policies, and our manifesto is available for all to read on Ukip.org.”

The spokesman added: “The Guardian is a far-left propaganda organ that is only interested in publishing false information intended to damage Ukip’s electoral prospects.

The establishment shutting down the left and more rise of the right,some bad times ahead...if you want to see the real side of racism wait till this lot get started unbelievable.Donations to robinson or the party itself will be interesting to see if The middle east forumget involved or Abstraction
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Had an arguement with some farleft bloke this morning,sort of opposite of the ones i;ve been trying to dig out he wouldn't criticizec corbyn and even defended some abuse angela rayner got on twitter over not having a go at blairs interview yesterday,crazy logic this bloke had even though angela rayner is in shadow cabinet this member still wasn't up for corbyn intervening and expelling people..Can never understand how people just tow a party line and never criticize anything,amazing the rigmarole the party has to go to to get people expelled no wonder it takes so long.
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Interesting today on BBC news levelling up the playing fiekd with institutional racism in tory party about islamaphobia,baroness varsi already hss 50 complaints,i'm sure there are hundreds if not thousands..
Just found this little gem about SPIKED unbelievable..i mentioned the sudden appearence of brendan o'neill on the poliyics show at short notice editor of magazine last week...only person that seemed to know that ''slight tinge'' was just an accident then attacked labour,no surprise after finding this amazing what you can find with just a bit of reading..

Robinson admits he has received several hundred thousand pounds in donations, but the Guardian investigation raised disturbing issues about the groups funding him. The US think tank Middle East Forum admits it has given $60,000 to support his legal fees and the London demo.

The Guardian also reported that the Middle East Forum, as well as other groups that have supported Robinson, have themselves received nearly $5 million from several wealthy donors. Among them is theAbstraction fund, of which New York department store heiress Nina Rosenwald is president and treasurer. The fund gave the Middle East Forum $2.65 million in donations between 2011 and 2015. Rosenwald is also the president of the Gatestone Institute, which has published a number of articles about Robinson and has received generous donations from the Abstraction Fund. Gatestone is also supported by the family of Robert Mercer, a hedge fund boss who was a key funder of Donald Trump's presidential campaign. The foundations of Richard Mellon Scaife, the late billionaire who donated generously to conservative causes, gave $575,000 to the David Horowitz Freedom Center, which frequently runs articles supporting Robinson.

The idea that American billionaires can impact on our politics in any way is profoundly wrong and the UK government should pass a law to ban all foreign funding in our domestic politics.

Read more
Koch brothers join #Resistance, launch campaign against Trump tariffs Koch brothers join #Resistance, launch campaign against Trump tariffs
Two of the richest Americans, David and Charles Koch, who are worth $120 billion have not been seen before to be funding organisations in Britain but the Guardian's George Monbiot revealed on December 7 that the Charles Koch Foundation had transferred money to a company that appears to be the US funding arm of a British organisation funding a magazine called SPIKED

The politics of Charles Koch were revealed back in 1978 when he wrote: "Our movement must destroy the prevalent statist paradigm." He argues for lower taxes and deregulating businesses, yet his own company has faced massive fines for illegal emissions, ammonia pollution and oil spills. The company was found guilty in 1999 of using a corroded pipeline carrying butane which exploded and killed two people.

The Koch brothers set up the Mercatus Centre, the Cato Institute and Americans For Prosperity and over the years they have spent hundred of millions of dollars supporting those organisations that share their right-wing views. They provided vital support for the Tea Party but then moved on to support Trump by funding his transition team. Not surprisingly Trump's administration has dramatically reduced taxes on large corporations such as those owned by the Koch brothers.

In the last two years the Charles Koch Foundation gave $300,000 to support Spiked which has denounced George Soros, Jeremy Corbyn and Black Lives Matter. It also denounced those campaigning for feminism and environmental issues. It provides strong support for the far-right columnist Katie Hopkins, Tommy Robinson, Aaron Banks, Toby Young and Viktor Orban (Hungary's right-wing prime minister). It has consistently supported a hard Brexit without a deal.

What a lovely media we have explains the editorials now eyes wide open and funded by these people,yet very few actually know whats going on,i had look a few times at spiked after drone said he had found himself agreeing with something on there,i looked last night ad on the comments page every person was an ardent robinson supporter..A very very strange magazine,labour hating rag,infact seems to hate lots of things hardly surprising now have never read so much vitriol now its all explained.strangest thing was finding so many robinson supporters on a supposedly ex marxist magazine,how did they even find or know it existed and why would they even think of reading it..

Aaron banks getting exposed..

And of course the highlighted names Abstraction,Middle east forum funding a pro israel ultra zionist movement who wouldv'e guessed..no shock to see trump amongst them as well,all inter related as well there's huge whiff about the whole thing..
What a scumbag this banks was,so corrupt the whole leave campaign this is going to be huge..
Yaxley fined 20k towards court costs after accusing police of harrassment laughable,just a bottomless pit hasn't worked for 14 years 5 cars and 1/2 million pound house claims to be working class yet never lifted a finger,these middle east forum boys certainly pressing on with the agenda and appealing,amazing what you can make out of being a right wing zionist..And supportrd by the vile ezra levant even criticized by holocaust survivors,another person that hates everything especially muslims and gays and lesbians..
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Getting what he deserves slaughtered in those stupid eurolections he entered and now found guilty for contempt of court,see the footabll idiots were pretending like they were going to fight the police always the same these football lot all mouth soon backed off once the batons were out...:lol::lol::lol: Can't believe the middle east forum hasn't come forward to save his little arse,hopefully won't have to listen to that stupid squeaky voice of his for awhile ffs the mans a ******* menace constantly on the marching powder...i'd be put him on a par with boris johnson as stupid as each other!:lol::lol::lol:
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when was the last time you worked, working class top boy? however much you hate Robinson, he is a rich man over all this politics bollocks , must make you physically sick and give you sleepless nights.:lol:. who,s the real prick :lol: i dont believe a word of his act , but you are sucked in by it. tut tut
when was the last time you worked, working class top boy? however much you hate Robinson, he is a rich man over all this politics bollocks , must make you physically sick and give you sleepless nights.:lol:. who,s the real prick :lol: i dont believe a word of his act , but you are sucked in by it. tut tut

:lol::lol::lol::lol: Little fishy landed,you're to easy pal i pmd a few people on here and told them watch me land this dope by bringong a tommy robinson thread up you are some sucker.,i'm a multi millionaire i made my first miillion 18 years ago i've worked doing 20 hour days for 20 years...Plus i was brought up on a council estate i had **** all throwing stones was a past time,why you bother with all this deflectory bollox we all have your number on here you dope..
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Little squeaky voiced tommy want's asylum in America now ffs,:lol::lol: unreal he got banned from america years ago now he wants to be an immigrant how ironic :lol::lol:
perhaps he could put a sombrero on and get through the mexican border:lol::lol: cockney mexican..:lol::lol: You couldn't make this stuff up,knowing trump he will let him as well!!!:lol::lol: What a twat...


Just been spotted in mexico..
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Another heartwarming story from the right...

Tommy Robinson set up a funding page for his legal fight, then he pleaded guilty anyway. A former assistant to Robinson, who had access to his Stripe online payment processing account, claimed it contained £2 million after his jailing.

Good luck with asking for your money back, Tommy-fans:lol::lol:

I always thought it was strange barely done a days work in his life,Brendan O'neill must be seething he only gets about a 1/4 of that these leave voters will donate to anythng well done folks..:lol: